Built-in food journal / food diary / meal tracker and macro tracking
Instead of having to use Lifesum, MyFitnessPal or Fitbit, be able to track food directly in the app.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! If you are running into MFP syncing issues, switch over the in-app meal tracker.
You can learn more about it here:
Changing everyone to the in-app meal tracker
How clients can track using the in-app meal tracker
This feature is available to everyone with app versions from 7.16 and up.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to ideas.trainerize.com to add your vote to other ideas.
You can vote on other meal tracker ideas here:
Team Trainerize
Xenia Lee commented
Wow!!! That’s will be awesome!!!
Jon Horton commented
Wow that would really be a game changer to include this in the trainerize app.
Danny Williams commented
I agree this would be excellent. And the opportunity for clients to 'grow their own' database...
James Jefferson commented
If clients could add their meals and water it would be very helpful
Tinara D. Kohlbrenner commented
Yes I second this!
Not integrated with MFP or Fitbit, built in Trainerize.
Heather Myers commented
Still unable to see Diary. Maybe expand to other apps like Lose it
Dock Dowdell commented
please look at possible bug in My Fitness pal Add on. Some how, the app does not update client info after they have logged in nutrition. Function is intermittent, data does not carry over all of the time.
Clancey Kirk commented
There have been suggestions to add other food tracking apps or to allow food tracking directly in the app, but this could be simplified if clients could still track food in apps they are familiar with and then manually input the data from those apps on here.
Having an app that syncs and does it automatically is great of course, but there are a lot of preferred apps, this gives clients freedom to stick with or choose whatever app they prefer and can easily enter the data in their daily nutrition goal.
Kristina Ouellette commented
Yes anything meal plan related that could be added would be amazing!
Daniel commented
My clients complain about having to use multiple apps. Vertically integrate!
right2fitonline commented
Instead of syncing with MyFitnessPal, Trainerize would be more efficient if the client could log their food and track calories from within the Trainerize app.
Carla White commented
I vote yes, BUT I feel in order for clients to be willing to make the switch from My Fitness Pal there would have to be a vary large food database built in along with the ability to scan and select items. I am assuming that this food macro tracking will include serving sizes and calories.
Ryan McEachern commented
Should be able to track calories or portions
Matt Hancocks commented
In my opinion if you bypass my fitness pal then you would have to include the ability to scan a barcode. No one wants to input everything. I don’t think syncing with MyFitnessPal is the problem. What’s missing in my opinion is the ability for clients to create a meal plan from recipes provided. That meal plan whether it’s 1 day or 1 week should then automatically create a shopping list. Making everyone’s life so much easier
Taylar Willard commented
MyFitnessPal has been having a lot of issues and I have clients that use other apps like MyMacros. I'd love for them to have the option to use either or.
Jeff Roberts commented
This would be easy .im thinking about using a survey app to accomplish this task. It would be better if it was built in the app.
Brandon Neal commented
The ability to log your food to myfitness through the app like before
Brandon Neal commented
To have the ability to track your food from the Trainerize app like before instead of having to go to myfitness pal or the fot bit app.
Anonymous commented
Currently clients have to connect with Fitbit or MyFitnessPal to track their caloric and macro intake. We need to have this option directly in the app for those who have neither of these other apps and don't necessarily want to download a whole bunch of other stuff in addition to Trainerize. Plus in my opinion it's THE big thing that is missing from Trainerize.