Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1631 results found
Save workouts after training plan is over
I still need access to previously made workouts after a client's training plan has ended. Why aren't they saved to edit or reuse? The copying function showed no workouts to copy over.
11 votes -
Create training programs within the app
Be able to create and design training programs within the app instead of having to log onto the website
16 votes -
Music track for motivation
Add a music track to go with there workout! they can choose to add it on their last set! Or not
I know I get a few more burpees done if a good track is on7 votes -
Client monthly calendar
Add a monthly calendar per client in order for trainers and clients to be able to plan out and view upcoming and long term workout plans.
8 votes -
Add a Total Reps option in the Exercise Tracking
It would be very helpful to be able to see how many total reps a client has done of a specific exercise. I would like to be able to see how many they did in total per workout or week instead of just seeing the max reps they did in a set.
Also, if a weekly view of this at a glance could be added that would be phenomenal.4 votes -
See, Click & Drag Workout Templates to/within Calendar vs. opening various windows
Have it so workout templates show in a column on a left-side bar with a client's calendar open on the main screen such that a trainer can see all workouts and simply drag/drop to a day on the calendar, avoiding the hassle and wait time of having to first click a day, then scroll through all workouts, select, wait til it's loaded, then repeat for other days. PLUS allow workouts to be clicked and dragged from one day to another day on the calendar, again avoiding the issue of opening windows and not being able to see the calendar.
12 votes -
more templates for calisthenics and plyometrics
You need to add more features for drills in between exercises and also to add for the client that looks for a more of a body weighted type exercises.basically free of machime or devices. You can still incorporate dumbells with the plyometrics exercises as an advance movement
22 votes -
drop and drag programs onto exercise days.
Currently the system is very labor intensive. If I have a program that looks like this ABA BAB I have to enter each day individually into the calendar.
Plus if I wish to enter an exercise like walking each day, I have to enter in each day, again adding to my work load. I simple tick like " do you want this program to be scheduled everyday?" would solve this.Ryan
27 votes -
Automatic Generation of Workout Programs by AI
Let trainers be able to choose from a drop-down category the type of client they were targeting (example: Weight Loss), choose the phase level, choose the type of equipment available, choose the duration and frequency of the program (1-3 months), and pick the days that the client would be working out on.
From here, all the trainer would have to do was click a button that says "Create Program" and automatically a training program would be generated.
They were also able to edit the exercises. Example: delete, change the volume, change or add an exercise, without having to re-create a…
36 votes -
Client Time Zone Changes
It would be useful for trainers to be able to change the timezone. Almost always my clients timezone is wrong when they set up their account which throws off their workout days... There's a big difference between Kansas USA and Kabul, Afganistan! Instead of contacting each client and relying on them to change it, the trainer should have that capability. Every client that's set up an account with me has had this issue recently.
9 votes -
Reports based on total volume/load
Would like to be able to define a "preferred graph default".
I mostly use "load" to look at total volume and have to reselect every single update or graph since "max weight" is the default (and is getting old). I do not usually have clients changing load within one workout -and when I do it is a planned RM progression like in the conjugate 5-3-1 process.) I would like to select Load as my default
The Monthly grid "clips: at 10 sets and i would like it to go to whatever I have assigned. For instance, In density protocol, it…
22 votes -
Repeat workouts and edit progressions by number of days instead of by days of the week
I would like the ability to create programs and progress them easily without being limited to the 7 day model. I am currently creating a program within a 10 day split, There are 8 separate workouts performed over 10 days. The workouts then repeat with a rep progression. Unfortunately there is no way to enter progressions or repeat workouts except by day of the week. A platform that allowed repeat workout and progressions based on the number of days would allow much more versatility in program design. ie. repeat every 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 days etc.
6 votes -
I would love to be able to modify client workouts and made adjustments from the app version!
it's annoying that i can only make adjustments to my clients' plans while on my computer.
2 votes -
9 votes
Ability to group exercises into progressions, and substitute easier with more difficult exercises
Stack exercises together. Easily substitute exercises from easy to difficult
52 votes -
Allow workout stats to be tracked without a wireless connection
The wifi in my gym isn't always great, so I do all my programming from home. If I already have a workout ready to go I would like to be able to track stats without my iPad being connected to the wifi, then just automatically synch with everything again (like Google drive) when I reconnect to the Internet.
8 votes -
Add ability to copy and paste days on the calendar.
If a client has the same workouts on Monday and Thursday they should only have to schedule Mondays and copy and paste all the workouts for that day into Thursday.
9 votes -
Export names, last workouts logged
I would like to be able to run reports of my online training clients.
For example, run a report that exports to excel with info like client first name, client last name, last session logged, last workout logged etc.
This goes one step further than the dashboard and we would really help with bulk training
30 votes -
Have the ability to use lbs or kg for specific exercises
In the gym, we have a mix of equipment using lbs and kg. It would be god if we could the mixture of both.
16 votes -
Ability to build workout programs without using client profiles.
Trainerize is in great need for a workout program tab... Currently creating workout programs cost 1-3 dollars a month per program. This is such a basic feature that should be built in trainerize. I have well over a 100 workout program templates that I would like to freely build on trainerize but I can't due to the financial constraints that trainerize has put in place (i.e. having to use a client account for each template we create).
25 votes
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