Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
225 results found
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Have goals that can be updated daily rather than a 0-100%
Right now if I set a step goal for the week, they have to update it a certain percentage each day. I would love for them to be able to just click complete for each day they did it. Or have the ability to set the goal for a certain number of days and be able to update it that way. The 0-100% is weird to me.
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1 vote
The way the Nutrition Goals are displayed
I really liked the way the Nutrition Goals used to be displayed as Circles on our Clients Dash. This was more Aesthetically pleasing & Took up less space. It would be great if we had the option of which way to view these goals. picking between the old version the Circles, and the new version the lines. Or just bring back the circles.
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