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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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225 results found

  1. Continuous winning streak on habits

    If the client forgets to update their winning streak on the day they can't update the next day and it goes back to 0, which is the most unmotivating thing for them and most complained about as people do stop sometimes. It takes something as little as this to upset that initial motivation.

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  2. 5 question 1-10 questionnaire that pops up before workout commences, asking hydration, food intake, tiredness so trainer can establish what

    5 question 1-10 questionnaire that pops up before workout commences, asking hydration, food intake, tiredness so trainer can establish what level they are at before working out and if it needs to be progressed/regressed

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  3. Auto Updated Exercise Goals

    Being able to set a goal for a specific exercise e.g. XXkg for X reps on Seated Cable row, and then have the data autopopulate what percentage progress clients are making towards that goal and let clients know how theyre progressing

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  4. Ability to add a subjective scale rating instead of percentage in goal progress

    For example, setting a goal of “I want to improve my fitness from a 4/10, to a 6/10”. Then the progress scale would show a 1-10 scale.

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  5. 4 votes

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  6. Ability to group habits into sub-folders and tracking options

    This idea is about allowing the grouping of new created habits in sub-folders.

    The idea of "habits" based coaching stems from CBT therapies. Most CBT based approaches use GSPA (Goal-Skill-Practice-DailyActions) as a framework. You set a goal and help the client built the skills to reach it through building some practices and monitoring daily actions.

    The goals are now somehow identified with intake questionnaires (though further refining of those in future would be great with some automated reporting).

    However at the moment the custom habits let you just create folders and habits within them - developing and assigning daily actions…

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  7. Consultation Form Export

    I would like to export the answers from the consultation form automatically to a Google Sheets file. It would be nice to have this option via Zapier. This would help me spot trends in the data when I have hundreds of clients filling out the form.

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  8. Incremental Habit Tracking with Target Goals.

    For habits that require multiple completions (e.g., drinking 8 cups of water or consuming 6 portions of protein), coaches could set a target number.
    Clients would then have the ability to tap a "+1" button each time they complete a unit of the habit (e.g., drink a cup of water, eat a portion of protein).
    A progress bar or visual counter would show them how close they are to their goal, keeping it engaging and easy to track throughout the day.
    This feature would work wonderfully for:

    Nutrition habits (e.g., "6 portions of protein")
    Wellness habits (e.g., "8 glasses of…

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  9. The ability to add a specific exercise to a goal.

    I've seen this idea thrown around a few times and would like to bring it to the top of the ideas list. I would love to have the ability to add specific exercises to a goal where the progress is tracked.

    E.g. Bench press X reps times X weight and the progress is automatically updated.

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  10. Have a start date for habits

    I'm doing monthly challenges for my clients and being able to have habits start on the date the challenge starts instead of the exact day I input them would be better.

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  11. Client Profile Setup - Activity Level Explained

    Provide client with more explanation of each activity level option (Sedentary, Lightly Active, Moderately Active, Very Active). Clients may not understand what each option means and which appropriate option to select.

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  12. Total Daily Portions

    For the nutrition portion habits, I would love to be able to set a custom total of portions for the day rather than per meal.

    For example: I might tell a client to eat 4 palm sized portions of protein daily or 8 handfuls of carbs daily.

    I would like to customize the number of portions and I don't really use it per meal but per day.

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  13. "BADGES EARNED" Goals & Habits**Allow Trainers- Add, Edit, Delete, Toggle Auto -on/off

    How do I customize client badges. they are being given out carelessly? It's incentivizing bad habits for my client...

    ""Can you please share how it is incentivizing bad habits? I am curious to know and would like to convey any useful information to our team.

    Trainerize Help Center ""

    There is no denying that achievement badges are an effective method of stimulation; this has been scientifically proved to work, and it is a tool that can be helpful when warranted.
    However, if the software awards these "badges" without adhering to the standards of the trainer's program, this may provide…

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  14. Allow clients to add their own goals/habits and update their own progress with the goals. At present this is only possible with the coach.

    I think this would help to increase accountability and create a conversation between coach and client which is client led

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  15. Countdown timer for days until program ends

    We all know if theres a deadline we work harder subconsciously. So if you our members are on a 30 day, 90 day, 120 day, or annual program, and the countdown timer is on dashboard, clicking away, day by day, its going to create URGENCY.

    Urgency creates habits, that create results.

    So if theres days ticking away, day by day on dashboard, they are going to DO MORE, work harder, etc.

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  16. Weekly step goals that will update throughout the week

    Having the option to add weekly step goals for clients and where they can track where they are at as the week progresses

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  17. Notifications

    Ability to schedule reminder notifications for Habits at specific times.

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  18. Add goals to other body measurements

    Would be good to add goals to other body measurements and have the app track them, in the same way that you currently can with setting bodyweight goals. Body fat percentage and waist circumference are all popular goals which cannot be automatically tracked, for example.

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  19. Hydration Habit

    Include hydration recommendations in habits/goals section

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  20. 5 question questionnaire before workout commences, asking hydration, food intake, tiredness ect

    5 question 1-10 questionnaire that pops up before workout commences, asking hydration, food intake, tiredness so trainer can establish what level they are at before working out and if it needs to be progressed/regressed

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