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227 results found

  1. Optional tabs to set body measurements: visceral fat, bmi, fitness test ones

    A few spaces where we add our own specific measurement criteria in for such as bmi, visceral fat, fitness tests

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  2. Add a "Progress" tab to the left main list of options

    Presently it takes an enormous amount of time for me to go in and out of each client's account to get to their progress area and specific reports. If we had a primary option to enter progress as the main action and then select what thing we wanted to track; ie body weight, bf, exercise stat, ... and then have a list of clients to select from... Well, the progress performance would graph up, show me what I wanted to know and then I would select the next client to see their performance in this area. And too, it would…

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  3. Left side right side tracking

    Make a way to record reps for R: and L: being right and left side.

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  4. Progress graphs based on rep ranges (e.g. strength/hypertrophy ranges)

    The ability to view progress exercise graphs depending on whether you are doing strength or hypertrophy rep ranges.

    At the moment when looking at the progress of a Squat for example, if clients have done both strength and hypertrophy phases, the current max weight/max reps/load views can be very messy.

    I would like the ability to view data specific to rep schemes/ranges, or at the very least, the 1-5 rep or 6-12 rep ranges.

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  5. 20 votes

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  6. measuring overall training volume

    I would like to see some additional functionality with regard to tracking the total number of hours scheduled and completed in strength training, cardio, etc. Its tough to track total training volume when you cannot record minutes/hour completed.

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  7. Allow clients to upload progress videos

    I know you can do progress photos, ideally we want to do progress videos as well.

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  8. Stats On Measurement Screen

    Provide: Age & Height when you enter body stats. This would help me when completing BF% using bioimpedance.

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  9. Seperate Weight tracking from body measurement tracking

    Do not make tracking scale weight mandatory for check ins. It's very annoying to have to write in a scale weight # when I have a client track stats as I have many clients NOT tracking scale weight for many reasons.

    One of the members of your team said that you force people to write in scale weight bc it helps Trainerize determine body fat %, but scale weight does not tell you really anything about body fat %.

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  10. Have Estimated 1RM viewable in the progress graph

    Tracking estimated 1rm is one of the best ways to see strength progress for a given exercise

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  11. Be able to export weight or body stats data from the app

    I use the data from the body stats to do regular reports, it would be good to be able to export data to excel

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  12. Built in bodyfat calculator from circumference measurments

    Most clients do not have access/ability to measure bf. Electrical impedence devices are questionable and vary greatly based on many factors. Please allow the system to generate bodyfat based on entered circumference measurements. There are many formulas available. I have inserted the US Military and the even newer Ace (American Council on Exercise) formula below:
    For men, use the following formula: % body fat = 86.010 x log10(abdomen - neck) - 70.041 x log10(height) + 36.76 [8]
    For women, use the following formula: % body fat = 163.205 x log10(waist + hip - neck) - 97.684 x log10(height) -…

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  13. Add more measurements for female clients such as midway, bust, etc.

    Add more women friendly measurement options. I train a lot of females and we take measurements at not only true waist but also midway. And also we measure bust and chest.

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  14. Allow trainers to edit photos date

    Sometimes i receive old photos from clients for a past condition, when i upload to platform it shows current date and cannot edit

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  15. 5 votes

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  16. 3 votes

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  17. Allow for graphing of multiple variables at the same time

    For example, I need to be able to graph (on the same graph at the same time);
    1) exercise load AND reps.
    2) BF and Lean mass

    I would also like to be able to determine the time frame (start date and end date) for each graph

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  18. Download Progress Pics

    It would be great if we could download progress pics so that we can do before and afters for our clients

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  19. allow for reporting of results to send to client

    I would like to have the ability to send my clients a report on their progress, that shows more than just one metric @ a time. It would be cool to show them a report with up to 3 or 4 metrics (EXAMPLE: waist, hip, LBM,FM & Weight ) with the dates of measurements as well. Right now they can only go online and view each individually on a graph. It would be cool to be able to print this out and give them to put on their fridge for motivation. I have used VirtuaGYM previously and that is something…

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  20. 10 votes

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