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409 results found

  1. Ability to choose 3, 4, 5,or 6 meals for 1500 and lower caloric range

    When putting in a meal plan for someone who may be in the 1500 range to be able to offer them meals plus snacks, not just 3 meals.

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  2. Add more vegan or plant based recipes

    Add more vegan/plant-based options. Hard to do a 3 day with very limited options.

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  3. 70 votes

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  4. Meal Planner “and” PDF option not “or”

    The meal planner AND the PDF option Should be available to clients especially if the meal plan it was an additional paid feature.

    It should not be an “EITHER OR” thing.

    We should have the ability to give our clients our PDF information as well as the meal planner.

    They need other things like grocery list restaurant guides etc. It should be an “AND” thing not an “or” thing

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  5. Tighter caloric ranges for auto-generated meal plan

    The current range of meal planner is about +-100 calories.

    But imagine if someone follows the plan for the whole week, then you’d have +-100 kcal/day * 7 = 700 kcal / week (or +300 kcal for these three days). It’s a lot and May have a huge impact on a physique, if we have a strict physique goal.

    Have a tighter caloric range or at least try to hit a weekly average closer to the nutrition goal.

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  6. Ability to manually enter macro splits in smart meal planner

    Instead of the 3 preset macro splits, allow me to define my own macro splits.

    If you want to build a completely custom meal plan, you should vote on this one:

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  7. Be able to print recipes

    It would be great if clients could export their daily meals for printing so they can have it readily available in the kitchen instead of having to reference their device.

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  8. Develop a sliding bar for macro to build meals like Renaissance Periodization

    Develop a sliding bar for each macro to build meals within the calorie or macro distribution the coach has set. So if I say eat 30 grams of protein for breakfast, they could choose there protein source and then use the sliding scale to determine how much of the protein they should eat. Continue this for carbs and fat. Check out for inspiration. Game Changer.

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  9. Start and End date for meal plans

    Some Trainers have clients only doing meal plans and not actual training. Be able to have start and end dates for the meal plans.

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