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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

We are continually upgrading your fitness app with new features based on your feedback. Please add a new idea, or vote on an existing idea. This ensures your ideas don't get lost and always visible and other users can upvote your ideas. The idea forum allows us to keep a pulse check on what our user community as a whole wants.

Why should I vote?
This forum allows us to more accurately prioritize ideas to ensure a system of fairness by executing on improvements needed more urgently by a larger cohort of our user community, in order of voting priority. It offers you transparency into what we're reviewing, starting and have completed.

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When does an idea get picked up?
The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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45 results found

  1. Explorando el emocionante mundo de Spider-Man: Las Últimas Páginas para Colorear en Gbcolorear

    El universo de Spider-Man ha cautivado la imaginación de niños y adultos por igual durante décadas. Desde sus cómics hasta sus películas, el Hombre Araña ha tejido su red en el corazón de millones de fans alrededor del mundo. Ahora, gracias a las últimas páginas para colorear de Spider-Man en Gbcolorear, los pequeños aficionados tienen la oportunidad de sumergirse en la diversión creativa de dar vida a sus héroes favoritos con un toque personal.

    Ver más páginas para colorear gratis de Spiderman en

    Gbcolorear: Un Paraíso Creativo para Niños

    Gbcolorear ha emergido como una plataforma digital que ofrece una…

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  2. Everything


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  3. The Creative Magic of Coloring Pages for Kids: Nurturing Imagination and Development

    In the digital age, where screens and gadgets dominate children's entertainment options, the timeless appeal of coloring pages continues to capture the hearts and minds of young ones. Coloring pages are more than just a pastime; they serve as invaluable tools for nurturing creativity, enhancing fine motor skills, and sparking imagination in children. This simple yet captivating activity has been a cornerstone of childhood development for generations, offering a wide array of benefits beyond the colorful strokes of a crayon. Welcome to our fun coloring pages for kids! Get ready to unleash your creativity and imagination:

    Unleashing Creativity: Beyond…

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    Please improve the website.

    • Allow clients to book without using stripe - let the coach organise the payments
    • Allow coaches to customise the website - i can’t lie it’s very boring to look at
    • Make it easier to customise - if you can already customise it i can’t work it out for ****🤦🏼‍♀️

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  5. Trainerize Profile image

    On our profile, the trainer pic and the two lines seems busy. Could we have an option to turn off the trainer pic/two lines so that our background is just our logo? Also, the logo 800x1200, but it squishes the image on mobile when it looks fine on desktop.

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