Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
170 results found
Multiple Porton Habits Based on Training, Non-training days
When I subscribe a client to a portion control habit using hand shapes, it allows me to choose which days they should follow this habit,
But I would like to be able to subscribe them to two different portion control habits so that they can eat more on training days and less on non-training days.
Please make it possible to subscribe a client to the same habit twice for variations in the amount.
4 votes -
Apple Health Integration For Nutrition Macros
You currently do not have a connection with the LoseIt! app among others. An alternative to this would be if Trainerize could pull macronutrient data from Apple Health in order to populate Trainerize. I think this would be a great option for those who don't use My Fitness Pal. Thanks!
18 votes -
Only complete circles on nutrition summary of all macros met within 5 grams
The circles on the nutrition summary are fully completed circles when the client hadn’t fully met them. Maybe change this to within +/-5 grams and make it green.
8 votes -
Vegetarian portion guide
It would be great to have a protein portion guide for clients that don't eat meat.
3 votes -
More customizable options for client nutrition and bio-data tracking
For coaches who like more data not less, it would be amazing to have valuable information available on a data dashboard. I personally do metabolic testing and I would love to be able to track how the clients metabolism (RMR) has been affected over time. Graphing of ones energy, hunger, cravings, mood, sleep, and water consumption. Most of these could be entered daily by client on an easy 1-10 scale outside of water and sleep which you would just enter oz and hours. Having all of this information shown on graphs and simple entry would give us as coaches a…
19 votes -
Plate method tracking
Nutrition tracking using the plate method. My clients use a 9” plate making having the plate fruits and veg, 1/4 plate protein, 1/4 whole grain or other carb. I also use the diabetic meal template 1/2 plate is non starchy veg, 1/4 protein, and 1/4 starch. My clients message photos of their plates but it would be nice to have a way to enter this data into their nutrition tracking. Either a way to track meal photos or enter values for the meal template
6 votes -
Easier access to client's nutrition profile
Currently, you can only access the client's nutrition profile under goals in their profile when you set them a nutrition goal. I would like this to be easier to access. More like one-click access instead of 5-6 clicks that it takes to get there currently.
8 votes -
More share features
More options to share progress reports with clients- an option to share the nutrition compliance/training compliance etc from the trainer dashboard via the in app DMs would be great for keeping clients accountable on the fly
1 vote -
Have different daily macro goals for different days or workout / non-workout days for carb cycling
I do a lot of competition prep and within prepping meal plans. It would be great to set up different macro and calorie intake goals for different days out of the week. Because it would allow my clients to fully understand carb cycling. For now I have uploaded a pdf version of the meal plan showing that but would be great if that can be adjusted as well when it comes to programming it within your platform.
713 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We've added this to our work queue/raodmap. We'll post further updates here as our teams pick it up to work on it.
Please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Individual Workout and Nutrition Compliment goals
I think Workout Compliance and Nutrition Compliance should be individually set for each client and not as a whole. This would be useful especially for nutrition. If a client is struggling to eat more it would be good to set them at 50% compliance then over time increase them up until they get to 20% compliance. I have clients that can track with 10% compliance and others that can't and because of that, it's hard to tell how clients are progressing with their nutrition.
8 votes -
upload bigger files for nutrition plan
Need to be able to upload bigger files to the nutrition plan section because my PDFs don’t fit
14 votes -
Allow trainer to "like" client's recent activity such as hitting nutrition goals, exercise or activity completed.
Like an instagram or facebook "like", to let the client know you've acknowledged their activity and are giving it an encouraging thumbs up.
7 votes -
Add my carb manager to nutrition tracking options
Connecting the my carb manager app to allow clients to track food and log nutritional goals
24 votes -
Nutrition Automation
automation for products that creates nutritional targets?
Settings a trainer would have to choose:
protein intake: X gr per KG body weight or a percentage.
fat intake: percentage or available cals
carb intake: total gr, percentage or available cals
surplus/deficit: in percentages, -5%, 0% +5% etc.
Choose 2, and Trz calculates the third automatically based on total calories.Then the trainer can adjust afterwards if needed, or part of the provided service.
4 votes -
Disable training from clients if they are strictly nutrition only.
Disable training for clients if they are strictly nutrition only.
35 votes -
Please Add Dietmaster Pro
I have been using Dietmaster Pro for over 15 Years in my training and nutritional business and would like to have them added as a addon for my nutrition planing component. Can you please do that? Thank you,
Carlos Fowler
4 votes -
29 votes
Hi everyone,
Thanks for coming to the idea forum and adding your vote to this idea.
We’re keeping this set to ‘Not Right Now’, as there is insufficient voting activity.
If we do have any new information to share, rest assured we’ll check back in here with a new status. We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Thanks! -
Allow nutrition data to be viewed in grams rather than percentages.
I utilize and emphasize nutrition be tracked in grams rather than percentages, since percentages are subjective to what calorie intake is and grams are an absolute number (important for protein intake especially).
15 votes -
Nutrition compliance needs a weekday only setting
Many of my clients only track on the weekdays. I'd love to be able to set the compliance to only look at weekdays when calculating compliance percentage.
2 votes -
Give clients the ability to food swap from Evolution Nutrition on Trainerize
I have to give my clients access to EV to be able to food swap - now they are using Trainerize, EV, and Fitbit to work with me - it's too much.
7 votes
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