Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
5274 results found
In circuit training programs, have the option for an exercise to be time based and a button to start the timer.
In circuit training programs, have the option for an exercise to be timed based and a button to start the timer so people don't have to look at their watches or set a different timer. Just like how there is a timer for the rest periods, the same should exist for timed exercises.
10 votes -
Client cap for certain workout programs or trial intake
Have a cap for how many people can be on one workout program. Send out a purchase link to an email list but only allow a certain number in
1 vote -
4 votes
View workouts side by side in a weekly view on calendar so I can see entire programming
When writing our programs, it would be great if we could write a whole program (multiple days), on a single screen. Having to jump between screens (workout to workout) to make sure we're keeping reps, sets consistent and programs balanced is a bit of a pain and very time consuming. If we could jump on one screen to write out entire program (or at least most of it), I think the software would go next level for us at our facility!
1,021 votes -
set max number of purchases for a product and then create waitlist
set max number of purchases for Trainerize pay products and then create waitlist
11 votes -
Create a field for different content
We could create not only workouts. But add videos of exclusive content. Videos with online classes on content. I already do that, but I improvise, instead of posting videos of exercises, I put explanations of advanced techniques, explanations on how to perform the exercises correctly. the only problem that when students finish seeing, the data to complete the exercise appears. There could be something to evaluate the content if it was good, bad ....
2 votes -
Exercise Tags - Body Parts
When tagging exercises as mobility, strength, etc, can there be a column for body parts, not just muscle groups. For example, if I'm doing a knee drive for ankle mobility, tagging "calves" isn't quite as true as saying ankle, as thats the joint you're trying to mobilize, not the muscle you arr stretching
2 votes -
continuous streaming
If all the exercises in a workout could be watched in one video.
1 vote -
Drag to change sub menu width (programs and workouts column)
Long master program names are cut short in the menu. Enable to drag it wider to show long names. With a wide monitor this will be awesome.
1 vote -
Manually sort the order of master programs in the menu
Enable to manually sort the order of master programs in the menu (so, for instance, the most used ones can be placed first).
1 vote -
Make each product's intro message different/customizable
I have several products on my trainerize and based on which product they choose, their first message is different than another product. I would like intro messages to be customized by product.
1 vote -
Add a Workout of the Day Programming Option For In-Gym Clients So That All Clients Within a "Class" Type Program Can Be On the Same Workout
The ability to subscribe a client to a Workout of the Day Master Program where all clients within that program would be on the same workout every day ... similar to attending a gym that has a workout of the day. This would be a great lower priced option that does not have personalization and could also align as an offline option for in-gym clients who can't make it to the gym that day.
1 vote -
Duplicate an Exercise while building a workout
It would improve efficiency to allow an exercise to be duplicated while building a workout.
10 votes -
Basket option on Trainerize Pay
Allow customers the option to add to a basket before checkout for add on features. Currently transactions have to be done separately which can result in loss of sales
1 vote -
Toolbar at bottom of app change
Could you guys redesign the toolbar at the bottom of the app?
The options on it are greyed out, have had some clients saying they didn’t see it or thought they weren’t options to select.
Just needs a more standout colour!
Thank you1 vote -
1 vote
It would be great to get updated videos
I think that some standard exercises and standard gym based equipment could be added to help support to workout programs. Part of the love for this is easy and quick setup but I have not found many if the exercises I actually do.
2 votes -
Remove ability for clients to remove credit cards
Some clients have committed to purchasing a 3 months program. They remove their card and the payment fails out.
5 votes -
Add my carb manager to nutrition tracking options
Connecting the my carb manager app to allow clients to track food and log nutritional goals
24 votes -
Custom one-way/two-way messaging on certain days.
It would be nice to set days (and maybe times) for clients to message their trainer. This would work fantastic for trainers that have High-end/low-end programs. They can allow their low end clients to only message them (for an example) Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 10am-5pm every week.
7 votes
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