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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1625 results found

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  2. Removing the ability for clients to add own exercises to workouts

    I have clients who add their own exercises to workouts and this should not be allowed.

    I build programs and workouts for clients and allowing them to add their own is a liability. They are not trainers and may hurt themselves.

    This is urgent and I hope you will remove or restrict that. Make it an option please.

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  3. Allow clients to record their score in a workout & share with others

    Would be great to provide a space for clients to record their scores in a workout (like amount of rounds + reps and/or time) for conditioning portions. and also a slider to show if they did the prescribed workout or if it was SCALED for them.

    Also a portion to record your score for primary lifts (weight and reps)

    Then allow for anyone who is following the same program to see everyone's results and also make comments on the workout or a client's achievement.

    Then these results get posted either into the chat group of the program or like a…

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  4. no end date for program

    please allow for NO END DATE for programs. I work with clients that will have WODs on certain/specific days and it is structured.

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  5. Trans / Non-Binary Videos

    The current Male or Female video first is a very gendered approach to fitness. Part of deconstructing colonialism is rethinking how we present content. My suggestion is to either remove this feature or introduce a Non-Binary option (selected by default) that mixes Male and Female videos, and ideally, would have some core video content including Trans/Non-Binary models.

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  6. Be able to upload a thumbnail for a program

    I'll like to be able to upload my own photo for the thumb of a program as clients browse them.

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  7. Shorter timeframes for phase length

    We should have the ability to shorten the training phase as they aren't always a week long or in weekly increments

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  8. Keep a timer option for timed based exercises.

    It would seem that if the exercise is definitely time based, I should be able to set a recommended timer for that exercise.

    Currently, if an exercise is Timed (Longer Better) or Timed (Shorter Better) or Timed Strength, we lose the ability to select a recommended timer with the exercise. We can only type in text with the exercise when prescribing it to a particular client or workout.

    If I can make a feature request, please allow Timed exercises to have an editable timer on them like standard Strength exercises.

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  9. Stretch timers and ability for client to log time held

    My primary desire here is to have the ability to recommend a timing of a static stretch for my clients AND for them to log how long they held the stretch for.

    Trainerize’s current setup for Stretches is to “display only”. Which is crazy to me. Flexibility training is so crucial in a balanced training program, and yet my clients can’t log if they did them or not or for how long they did them. I have to ask them every time.

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  10. Need to be able to set more times for circuit exercises, like 12 minutes

    Currently if you want to have a timed exercise in a circuit workout, there is not enough granularity for the times. I need to have 75 seconds, 7 minutes, 12 minutes and more. We should be able to put any time we want in there.

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  11. Add Content search to programs

    As a corporation we have a lot of programs, if i am looking for a program with a hip mobility exercise I want to be able to search for the program by the exercises created within the program.

    So instead of searching by program name, I can search "Hip" and it will show the program named "Marys program" which has a "Hip mobility" exercise within the program.

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  12. Would be great if you would ad surfing to the cardio log library. I work with surfers and now they can't ad their surf sessions.

    Would be great if you would ad surfing to the cardio log library. I work with surfers and now they can't ad their surf sessions because their is no option to do so.

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  13. adjust weights based on recovery score

    weight recommendations or changes this workout for the day based on recovery score.

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  14. Track level of effort for excessive

    Mark how hard it was to hit a rep range

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  15. 3 votes

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  16. workout planning

    when building a workout for a client when you have finished building the workout it then tells you a time of how long it expects it will take the client will take to do that, this feature is only available after you have finished building the workout. my clients workouts are normally 50 minutes long so when im building a workout for a client im trying to get the workout im currently building to closely match the 50 minute mark as i can, however on the current system i cant see tis while building the program unless i finish building…

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  17. Save as draft when creating workout

    Workouts are deleted if account is logged out from inactivity and a lot of time can be lost to create and then recreate. Please add a function to have them automatically save if not saved in workout builder form

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  18. Allow customers to select among different versions of a workout session - normal, 30-min, 15-min, body weight

    Currently I have a normal workout, a 30-min version, a 15-min version, and a body weight zero equipment version. Most of my clients are busy entrepreneurs and professionals and need additional flexibility when it comes to training to stay consistent. If they go to the gym and can easily select a workout that fits their schedule or even skip the gym and choose the body weight version, that would be a game changer for them (and myslef).

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  19. Change the regular workout functionality to have auto rest timers

    The regular workout setup requires the user to start and stop the rest timer. If we can emulate the Strong app and how it allows for the user to fill in the weight and reps and then auto-populate and do an auto rest timer it would be easier to use in the app and more visually clean whereas now the rest timer is in between each set.

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  20. Be able to print the Progression spreadsheet

    This will allow you to track & see (all in one sheet) what your client has done in previous weeks while you are on the floor with them in their session.
    I am currently copying the tracking sheet from the previous week onto a blank tracking sheet for the current session, so I can see what they did last week.

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