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229 results found

  1. Option to Upgrade a Client's Plan without Cancelling Old Product

    Option to Upgrade a Client's Plan without Cancelling Old Product

    I put clients on 12, 28, or 52 week programs. Within these programs, clients can train 1, 2, or 3 times per week.

    Sometimes, a client will be training for, say, 12 weeks at 1 time per week and decide halfway through that they want to train 3 times per week.

    Currently, the only way to do this is to cancel the current product and start a new one, but if the person doesn't want to start a NEW 12-week program, and just wants to complete their CURRENT 12-week program…

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  2. Down payment

    I would like to offer clients the ability to make a down payment and then have the remaining payments auto draft. For example; for a $5000 plan they could pay 20% down ($1000) an have the remaining $4000 paid as monthly installaments of $363.63. I know I could create a product for $2000 then create another product that has recurring 11 month payments of $363.63 but that seems tedious and unnecessarily clogs up the products page. This would make this seamless and I could offer it in the app instead of having to do it on the backend every time.

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  3. Landing Pages

    More Customization of Landing Pages, Currently Very Bland.

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  4. Categorize Products

    I would love if there were a way to custom categorize products to make it more fluid when selling a package. For example, labels for Online Packages, In Person Packages, Group Training, etc.

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  5. 13 votes

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  6. Purchase a product direct from the app

    If a visitor on the app page will download the app, and he is NOT a member already, then he cannot use it. I had some incidents with people who downloaded the app and could not use it because they were not members of my clubs.

    So, I think it will benefit the app page visitors when they download the app to have the option to buy a product directly from the app, access the app, and use it based on the access the product purchased provides.

    Also, we will not have the problem that they might download and be…

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  7. Re-Direct URL after product purchase

    It would be great if new customers could be re-direct to an external URL direct link after completing a purchase so they can automatically be taken to a thank you page.

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  8. Improved payment management + easily adding and deleting session credits

    Currently, there is no option to pause, postpone, or conveniently delete client sessions in case of a refund. As it stands, the only workaround is to add fake sessions to exhaust the credits manually.

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  9. Be able to adjust / manually edit Invoices that go out to clients

    I need to be able to edit invoices that go out to clients. In France, I am required to add legal language to my invoices and I'm currently not able to do so in Trainerize.

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  10. Payment

    Ability to accept cash, zelle. The fees for cc payments is too high for small to med size companies which you cater to.

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  11. Add a Custom Sale Price option instead of choosing from product list.

    When making a sale, you have to choose from a list of products which can get overwhelming. Make a feature where you can input your custom price for one time payments.

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  12. Have a Product or Add-On option that subscribes purchaser to all On-Demand programs

    After looking into creation of and implementing an On-Demand Program library for clients to access, I discovered that the most efficient way to do so was to set up automation on Product Starts to subscribe them to 20 Add-On programs. This limits trainers from mass subscribing clients to allow access to On-Demand Programs.

    I propose that an additional option be added to current Product Automation (ie "Subscribe to all On-Demand Programs") or an additional Product type be added to accomplish the same goal.

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  13. Be able to adjust the cropping tool on Product Image

    It would be nice to be able to drag and drop the cropping tool to adjust the image size for products.

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  14. Be able to rerun failed payments quicker than 3 days

    I have only recently started using the payments feature and I was so disappointed today when I had 3 failed payments to see I have to wait another 3 days for them to rerun when each client messaged me instantly to ask me to rerun. It's inconvenient for both me and them - they have to ensure the funds stay available in their account for a further 3 days. I feel like there should be an instant feature for this and mark this as high priority on my list!

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  15. Payment management and session credits

    Please have a way we can pause, postpone or discount our client payments, as well as add extra session credits.
    It would be nice to have a payment option for recurring direct debit clients to have session credits per payment, so if they miss a payment then they can’t book a class etc.

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  16. Upgrades For Plans

    I have my clients on 3, 6, and 12 month plans at 1, 2 or 3 times per week. Sometimes, they decide they want to add days or increase the duration of their plan, but they don’t always want to add a whole new contract. They just want the remainder of their current agreement to be different.

    For example - client has 2x/week, six month training contract with me and on month 4 decides they want to do 3x/week for the remaining two months. Instead of having to sell them a whole new product, do the math to determine how…

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  17. Allow trainers to add their own payment details to their trainer profile.

    This would be a great option to have, especially for gyms. As a group of 5 gyms that have many personal trainers, not having this option make things quite hard. It would be great for clients to have the option to pay our trainers directly. We have had to find another alternative because trainerize doesn't currently have this available.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. let costumers pay in their own currency, this is possible with stripe

    let costumers pay in their own currency, this is possible with stripe

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  20. Subscription Cancellation Fee

    Currently, I send a separate link to our clients that cancel their long term subscriptions, prematurely. It would be great if there was a cancel button that the coach can activate or the client, in which an early cancel invoice will be sent to them so that their program can be canceled out. The coach should be able to set the cancel fee prior to the client enrolling as an attachment to the subscription. When a client chooses to cancel before subscription is complete, we could have an automated email sent to them with a cancel link. That link could…

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