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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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508 results found

  1. Book Session and apply credits before or after schedule session.

    Currently, we are only able to schedule clients for the current amount of sessions within their account. This makes it difficult for trainers to schedule their calendars in advance.

    Suppose a client is signed up for a monthly product. We can only schedule them out for the amount of credits that were purchased.

    Clients' billing happens on many dates throughout the month. Scheduling can be difficult since clients need credits with their account for a trainer to add them to their schedule.

    We do have the ability to schedule clients without the need for a session. This does not transfer…

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  2. session credits

    Session Credits Management:

    Ability to adjust session credits after they have been applied.

    Transfer Credits between clients. Give the ability for clients to transfer their sessions to someone else or share a package of sessions between clients.

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  3. Have two accounts on file

    I have clients I coach and I’m also a client to a trainer. It would be cool if you could switch between accounts easily like you can on Instagram or Facebook. Like I could have my trainer profile logged in and my trainee profile logged in, and just click the name by my account profile to switch between the two like on Instagram.

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  4. When new clients sign up for multiple session package to have them added to trainerize as basic and not coaching.

    It would be amazing if for my in person classes which I have a multiple session product, would have new clients buy a session(s) and be added to trainerize as BASIC instead of coaching because it's taking up my coaching spots (which I only have 15 spots which is full). And then I have to go in and manually change it. But if I don't change it in time or have multiple people at once trying to purchase sessions it says i have no more spots and puts them into pending.

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  5. A report for MISSED activities/habits etc.

    A report that is emailed at the end of each day to that lists the clients and the MISSED activities/habits etc.

    For instance:

    Bob missed: steps, calorie goal
    Jeff missed: work out and steps

    So at a glance we can see who needs to be contacted without looking into each client individually.

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. Monthly birthday data that can be extracted.

    Monthly birthday data which can be extracted, so we can engage strongly on retention while not missing does special dates.

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  8. auto Calendar autoflow when a client is added

    overfit has calendar auto flows for new clients and in app check in forms

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  9. Clients could see Trainer's note on specific workout days

    Trainer's note shouldnt be just visible to trainers only. I think it would be very helpful if clients could see my notes when they start a workout. For example, suggesting weights that they use, asking them to try a new technique.

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  10. make the app stricter so clients cant click around and get lost and confused.

    when i onboard clients they end up clicking around every where and getting confused. worst case they dont use the app or engage with it because of that. i am the type of coach who programs exactly when and how to do things and would the app to be very simple and straight forward when clients get onboarded. if the app just had their dashboard and the calendar to look ahead a little bit, that would be perfect. other than that they can see their nutritional goals, tasks, and progress via the dashboard

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  11. Custom note to calendar that isn't auto message

    When uploading to the calendar, allow to simply add a custom note that isn't an auto message.

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  12. upload files

    I have printed waivers that clients sign, release forms from doctors, photo release forms etc... it would be great if I could upload these to my clients dashboard to have everything in one place. or have an option of online form that the client sign on the app or online and automatically goes to the the clients 'files' at the dashboard

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  13. Allow clients to talk to each other within the app

    My old software, virtual gym, would allow clients to communicate and talk to each other. We're trying to assign accountability partners, APs to our clients. Also to form friendships, and support each other. Virtual gym also allowed clients to build their own groups. Since we have so many clients online, it would be nice if they could talk to each other. It would help us out a lot. I think it's a small thing considering we pay $250 a month for this app. And I hate the weekend have our custom icon anymore in the app store. Especially after it…

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  14. Create a "Chat" tab- improve messaging capabilities.

    I think it would be helpful if the "chat" feature had its on place on the bottom of the dashboard. Clients should be able to easily message all the coaches and other clients that they are training along. That way they can connect and. take their conversations out side of the community page.

    Long term giving more of a social media vibe will benefit the app.

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  15. Ability to provide clients with a statement of completed/past sessions

    It would be great if there was a way to view a clients scheduled/past sessions. Because trainerize removes a session at the time of scheduling rather than after the session has passed, it is difficult to track the number of sessions used. This feature would also help quickly clear up client disputes on how many sessions we've completed should any arise.

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  16. Change Cutoff Hours

    I have clients who work nights. Their days don’t follow the typical hours. It would be beneficial to change their active hours within the app so that the cutoff isn’t at midnight. For example, their days start at 17:00 and end at 10:00 the next day. It would be nice for them to log everything in one day instead of two separate days.

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  17. Assigning A Program to Trainer/Coach

    As a trainer its important to test my programs I create and make sure they work. To test and see my programs I have to add myself as a client, log out of my Trainer version and log back in as a client.

    Much more feasible to have a way to assign programs to the account holder or any trainer in the system.

    Trainers like having programs that aren't in excel too...

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  18. Voice Notes - Do you guys even care?

    Why is voice notes still not a thing? Your exercise demonstrations and technique is as bad as it gets. You focus on so many other things that arent even crucial - but at the end of the day, this is about the client and giving the client a great experience. So why has it taken so long to consider adding voice notes? Is there an update on whether or not its coming to Trainerize because i may need to look at alternative softwares. Thanks

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  19. Client Can Be Assigned to Multiple Trainers

    We offer multiple programs and it would be a great feature to allow multiple trainers or at least a support trainer to a client's profile. I.e. a nutrition coach would be a support coach for a client in a workout program. Right now our support coaches are unable to use the automated features in trainerize and they have to set up there own reminders to check-in with clients.

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  20. Custom Questionnaires

    It would be great to create custom forms/questionnaires - similar to the initial consult form that gets sent to clients during onboarding - but send them separately at different times. For example, I would love to have a form I send to clients (or schedule to send to them) when their current training block ends to get an assessment of how the training block went and make adjustments. Or, to create a separate form with nutrition-related questions I could send to a client during onboarding in addition to the initial consult form if they are looking for coaching that involves…

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