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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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227 results found

  1. Display current/latest body stat measurements in 'Add Body Stats' page

    When clients update their body stats we currently export their existing data before taking new measurements for instant comparison and coaching. This is annoying and takes time. It is cumbersome for general fat loss clients to check through each individual measurement to get a view of their body composition changes.
    Please add the last taken measurements to the 'Add Body Stats' window - maybe greyed out so that you can enter on top.
    If this was available I may even keep my offline clients in the app for data management.
    Thank you!!

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  2. Easily see exercise progress (weights, sets, reps, volume etc.)

    When writing more detailed workouts with guidance for clients of what weight to use, it's really frustrating to have to go to the client's profile, view progress, then select each exercise individually and change the option to max weight (rather than estimated 1RM) to view their previous weights/reps for that exercise. Then have to repeat that for each exercise individually.

    It would be great if there was a simple, easy way of viewing a client's prior weights used to make programming so much simpler and quicker and save a lot of time.

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  3. Decimal times for sprinting.

    I am training pro athletes & a lot of football players who need to track their sprinting times accuratly.
    I am sure a lot of coaches feel the same if they are coaching athletes.
    There is category for timed exercises, but its rounding the numbers oddly.
    If you put in a 4.46 its gets rounded down to 4 sec.
    It would be of great value and only a small change.
    Please support this idea if you feel the same.

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  4. monthly summary on macros, workouts

    Would be awesome if there was a monthly report including averages for how many workouts completed per week, macros, fiber, sodium, and sugar intake

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  5. To be able to reflect on everything a client has done over 7 days

    To get a 7 day report on their habits/nutrition averages/training outputs /bodyweight readings as a report (or even just to be able to do it)

    This will help give weekly feedback in videos / calls for example

    Similar to what you can see monthly but to be able to do it weekly would be very powerful

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  6. Add time as a metric along side RPE. With this we could estimate overall workload and ensure clients aren't over/under training

    Add time as a metric along side RPE. With this we could estimate overall workload and ensure clients aren't over/under training

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  7. Adding navel measurement to measurement stats

    Adding navel measurement to list of circumference measurements

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  8. Option to select particular bodyparts for measurements and a total girth measurement progress chart

    I don't find neck, forearms and calves necessary for many of my clients. I feel more would complete their check in measurements if i had the option to keep it more simple for those new to coaching.

    Also an option to view a progress chart for total girth measurements would be helpful.

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  9. Welcome Video in “how to take measurements “

    We should be able to just like our welcome video have a video regarding how the client should take measurements such as their hips and waist because clients don’t know how to do that.

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  10. Write not just numbers in the weight section and also have a body chart in the notes to identify injuries

    The idea is when writing not just numbers in the weight section and create a body chart when we can take notes of any injury and pin point the correct place.

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  11. 5 votes

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  12. progression spreadsheet Update

    When creating a progress progresion sheet it will be awesome if we can see the heaviest or last weigth used on that exercise. That way we can give a better personalized coaching when sugesting a weight to use so they can achive that goal

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  13. Have clients send us a 'Readiness' Check in questionnaire at the end of the week

    E.G: How motivated are you to train?
    How was your sleep this week?
    Did you meet your nutrition targets?

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  14. Checkin format/system

    A software that enabled Clients to checkin somehow. Currently I use typeform for this.

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  15. More detailed progress charts on custom Cardio exercises (Time, speed, max speed, avg speed etc.)

    With the system preset Cardio exercises users and trainers can track distance, max speed, average speed, tempo etc., but for the custom added ones (like airbike, rowerg, skierg in my case) the only possibility is to track time, even though clients input all the aforementioned data.

    Given that all that data is already available and collected I believe it won't be too hard to make this feature available.

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  16. Change Progress graph timeframes from calendar months to a rolling timeframe.

    Currently, the graphs can only be displayed using full calendar months.

    1M - Nov
    3M - Sep/Oct/Nov
    6M - Jun/Jul/Aug/Sep/Oct/Nov

    If a client starts in the middle of Oct, and we review in the middle of Nov, we're only able to show half of Nov's data(1M). or zoom out to a full 3 calendar months just to see 31day's of progress.

    A rolling timeframe of days or weeks gives us a report that is easier to read, eliminates wasted graph space, and looks more professional.

    e.g. Display Previous:
    30 days
    60 days
    90 days

    Given that Trainerize already requires…

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  17. Copying Client Programs copies the progression spreadsheet as well.

    Currently, when you map out several days in the calendar you can edit those days in a progression spreadsheet. However, if you try to copy that program over to another client it only copies the "Workout Builder" portion and not the calendar changes.

    Proposed change

    • Master Programs if "scheduled" copies to clients program. That way if you periodize 6 weeks, you don't have to re-type every change for every client on every exercise.

    • Client programs if "scheduled" copy over changes made to the "progression spreadsheet". The master workouts tab doesn't allow for planned periodization and often forces me to write…

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  18. Badge and Milestone Report for All Clients

    It would be awesome to get a report for all the milestones and badges clients receive.

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  19. Graphing for strength progression, by individual exercise.

    Graphing for strength progression by individual exercise.
    This is helpful for clients who have specific strength goals, like powerlifters.

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  20. progress photo report for an entire group

    Ability to view multiple clients' progress photos in a report. This is great for challenges.

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