Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
184 results found
Change (Taunt) Emoji Reaction
Some users have mentioned that the emoji (happy face tongue sticking out) will send a notification saying "User taunts you" in the group chat. It feels a bit strange. It would be great to replace it with something more appropriate and friendly.
36 votes -
Make a steps based challenge
The steps are automatically calculated by the data synced from their Garmin, Fitbit, or Apple Watch. Reward points automatically for their step count. The leaderboard will be ranked by accumulated steps within the set challenge period.
16 votes -
Assign Specific Habit in Challenges
I noticed that you can't assign a specific habit for the challenges. Many of my clients may be working on another habit in addition to a challenge focused on a specific habit. It appears the way challenges is currently set up, it would count any daily habits completed, instead of the specific habit I want to tie to the challenge. If there is a way to do this that I'm missing let me know, but if not I think this should is something to add.
241 votes -
Different start up/welcome automation email for challenges
Currently, my welcome email and start up automation email is geared to my 1:1 high ticketed clients. Upon access, they receive this email for onboarding which includes the 1:1 coaching overview guide, high ticketed meal plan documents and the waiver.
This app needs a separate automation geared towards those joining a shorter lived challenge so they can get a feel for the app and i can up-sell into my 1:1 program. Right now there is no way around this welcome email and i don't want them to have access to these high-ticketed 1:1 documents and instructions when they will only…
20 votes -
Improve Group Pages with "Threads"
Can you please improve the group experiences.
It would be best if each post and a "thread" where people can comment directly under the post.Something similar to facebook or instagram where you make a post and people can comment.
That way when people reply to each other it doesn't clutter the page.
This is a critical upgrade for users who have hundreds and thousands of people on their app.
Please please please make this update.
12 votes -
Add a steps challenge leaderboard for clients
Add a steps challenge for clients - like the fitbit work week hustle leaderboards.
8 votes -
group messages
The entire group messages section needs to be updated. It needs to have similar functionality like a group in Facebook Groups does.
-Automatic/Scheduled Posts
-Search Ability. (Messages get lost in the thread and are hard to find)
-Longer Videos. It's important to be able to share videos with all the clients, and the :60 cut off severely limits this.
-Threads: Be able to comment under a specific post, rather than a constant stream of messages.I'm posting this again, I mentioned this back in 2024 but there's been no progress on it.
This is more important to me as…
3 votes -
Give Trainer the Ability to Manually Adjust the Points in Challenges
I had a client in a challenge who was having trouble with connecting their MFP to Trainerize. By the time it was fixed the challenge was 4 days in and it didn't give them any of the points for hitting their daily nutrition goal the days prior even though they were now showing up. There's no way for me to adjust the points so she was really bummed and left the challenge. A simple fix would be allowing the trainer to manually adjust the points.
27 votes -
Put a limit on how many points clients can get from each area to prevent spamming activities
The ability to add more guardrails or restrictions on how many points someone can get from each area either total or on a per day basis would help prevent people from gaming the system.
3 votes -
Upgrade the group chat feature
The group chat feature is old. The group chat emojis are a bit childish for an adult platform. And the fact that it is only one thread in the group makes it difficult to respond directly to people.
Could this be upgraded both to modernise it and to also make the group chat function easier to use.2 votes -
Allow for Bigger Files to be Uploaded in Groups
The file capacity is super low. Some of my pdf's I'd like to share with my clients cannot be shared in this app due to size. This is kind of ridiculous.
2 votes -
Master Challenges In Program Builder
I would like to be able to create a library of challenges so I can cycle through them throughout the year.
Would also like the ability to make challenges that can be used as a lead magnet.
If challenges are in the Master program builder section they could be built with specific workouts, lessons, automated text, etc.
As it sits now the feature is honestly just another version of the client compliance section.
Only now we have to set a start date and time instead of making a challenge we can use for later.
82 votes -
Basic Client Group Chat / Community for Lead Gen
Give access to a Basic Group chat so we can add clients in for lead generation. I would rather have a group in Trainerize instead of on facebook, Skool, or WhatsApp. Should be an easy integration as group messages are already possible.
2 votes -
More Emoji Options
It would be great if clients could heart messages as there are no other similar emojis
3 votes -
Allow group members to check off the WOD as completed in the preview of the WOD
In the group, some of my clients attend an in-person group WOD class and some perform the WOD posted in the group on their own. Currently, a group member has to actually start the workout and "play" through it in order for it to auto-post in the group that they completed the workout. It would be easier, especially for my in-person class members, if they could check it off as complete in the preview of the WOD, so that it posts as completed in the group. This would also show up on the number of people in the group who…
4 votes -
Create a poll option within your community group
It would be a useful option to be able to create a poll within your community group.
11 votes -
Group Messages
The entire group messages section needs to be updated. It needs to have similar functionality like a group in Facebook Groups does.
-Automatic/Scheduled Posts
-Search Ability. (Messages get lost in the thread and are hard to find)
-Longer Videos. It's important to be able to share videos with all the clients, and the :60 cut off severely limits this.
-Polls.16 votes -
It's A Bug Not A Feature
Posting pictures in groups is great, but rather than writing a message and attaching a picture to said message, a dialogue box opens for the message you want to have with it, which is great and all, but limits the amount of characters. So, either continue the message in another post in the group, or post the picture then write the message (or vice versa). Either way it is two notifications for the group. Doesn't seem like a big deal, but when you are trying to limit the amount of notifications your clients get so they don't disengage, its noticable.
1 vote -
Why Aren't Polls a Thing?
Getting a feel for what your consumer needs is necessary. How are polls not already integrated into the system? It's essentially what this suggestion box I am typing into is- see what people want in the easist way possible. How is that not something we can do?
1 vote -
Be able to turn off the view of the leaderboard for a challenge. This would be useful for those extra competitive clients who will likely stay up late just to get in some extra points on the last day or two of the challenge. I would love to be able to turn the leaderboard off from client view to avoid things like this!
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?