Ability to label sections or blocks for each workout such as warmup, strength, assistance, skills, mobility, cool down, etc.
Currently there is no distinction between areas/sections of the workout such as warmup, movement prep, strength, assistance, met-con, skills, cool down, mobility/stretching, etc.
It would be great to have the sections labeled or the ability to create a custom area/section.
It would also be great to have templates for each area/section that could be saved and easily placed into the other workouts
For Example:
Rower @ 5 minutes
Movement Prep:
2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Leg Swings
10 KB Swings
10 Lateral Lunges
Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5 @ 75%
4 Rounds
10 KB Split Squat
Foam Roll @ 2 min
Couch Stretch @ 1 min

Anonymous commented
This would be a super awesome option to have. PTD does this perfectly and it makes for programming really quick and easy.
Having the ability to label each section. Example Warmup, Circuit 1, Circuit 2 and Stretch/Mobility
Having the ability to explain/describe how each section is to be performed.
Anonymous commented
This is an amazing suggestion. PTD does this VERY well and is a huge time saver for program development.
Tyler Yorko commented
I think it would be great if I could label 1 superset as "warm up sets"
and create another superset of those exercises and label it as "Working sets"...
I also know many bodybuilders who focus on a "Growth set" where that main set or superset is the main focus and should be 100% intensity.
Being blae to 'Title Supersets' will provide better guidance and more detailed programming to best help our clients -
Tom Kelly commented
Make a general 5 min dynamic warmup video and 5 min static stretch period to include easily into workouts
Chris raymond commented
Add a distinctive separation between warm up, workout, and cool-down. A general way to organize the workout into different sections so that you can have a warm up phase of the workout. But also be able to do the same within workout and after for a metabolic finisher type.
Anton Popov commented
To make it logically and visually more appealing for the client to follow program give us a option to program warm up, mobility, workout, etc. and insert that as headings for section of the workout.
Lana Welchman commented
This would be sooooo very helpful!
I try to put the explanation in the workout description, but I feel like clients need it to be very, very clearly laid out for them.
Rob commented
Some of my workouts include multiple circuits within them. I'd like to be able to label them as needed.
e.g. Warm-Up, Dumbbell Complex(10 reps), Barbell Complex(8 reps), Super-Awesome Core Blast.
Rob commented
This would definitely be helpful. Unfortunately, the only workaround I've come across is to create each block as a separate workout - which is just as much of a pain for the client to maneuver, as repeatedly building full workouts where only one or two blocks are different is for us trainers.
Andre commented
Just like we can save entire workouts, it would be a HUGE time saver to have workout blocks that can be used for the building of workouts.
Workout block 1: Warm-up
Workout block 2: Resistance Training i.e. 5x5 Strength
Workout block 3: Prehab work 3x10
Workout block 4: HIIT or Finisher
All of these could be saved so that we can easily search and add to a workout, instead of always rebuilding everytime we want to make a workout.
This is a big one.
Trainer commented
Any further progress on this request?
Anysia Derora commented
This would be VERY helpful! I've added notes about which section a movement is in, in the Target section and am training Clients to look there but it is clunky and could be much smoother if exercises could be categorized as Main, Warm-up, Cool Down, Accessories or even custom sections.
Jane Archer commented
Separate components for each workout ie WARM UP , STRENGTH, METABOLIC CONDITIONING with movements under each component and suggested time etc
Jenni Fowler commented
I’m currently writing a completely separate workout for the warm-ups and it looks messy. I don’t like putting the warm-up right in with the workout (with how it’s currently set) because it makes the workout look way too long and overwhelming.
FITBOSS ERIC commented
It would be great to have the ability to assign a catagory title to each section of the workout. Such as Warm-up, Mobility, Primary, Assistive, cool down etc.
Coach Yese commented
This is a fantastic idea. I started off trying to have each block as a separate workout but found that clients were skipping them so now I add them right into their workouts but would love the clear labels or separation.
Joshua Bullock commented
It would also be incredible if Trainerize included warmups to integrate into our master workouts. This would streamline how users view warming up if it is able to be included in the actual workout builder, not simply in the additional info box where we give our clients instructions.
Coach Nic commented
Would be great to add Garmin watches, fitness rings, samsung and apple fitness watches
Dane Miklaus commented
Sometimes clients have trouble differentiating blocks of exercises within supersets (even with rest programmed in between). The ability to color code supersets/circuits or label them (Warm-Up, Circuit 1, Circuit 2, Cooldown, etc.) would be very helpful.
Joe commented
I like this idea. I understand you could create a whole separate warm up workout, but having it as a part of the main workout would be easier and less confusing. Then clients know they only have one workout to check off for the day.