Ability to label sections or blocks for each workout such as warmup, strength, assistance, skills, mobility, cool down, etc.
Currently there is no distinction between areas/sections of the workout such as warmup, movement prep, strength, assistance, met-con, skills, cool down, mobility/stretching, etc.
It would be great to have the sections labeled or the ability to create a custom area/section.
It would also be great to have templates for each area/section that could be saved and easily placed into the other workouts
For Example:
Rower @ 5 minutes
Movement Prep:
2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Leg Swings
10 KB Swings
10 Lateral Lunges
Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5 @ 75%
4 Rounds
10 KB Split Squat
Foam Roll @ 2 min
Couch Stretch @ 1 min
Aaron Doyle commented
Yes! I was thinking that you could just have a custom "superset" button? where you could click on it and type in the heading you want!
Rob Shoecraft commented
I'd like to be able to drop in "mini-workouts" within the primary workout for the day. For instance: I could build the Crossfit "Bear Complex", which consists of 4 to 5 different exercises, and drop it into the workout just as I would for a single exercise.
This would be much easier than building the complex superset into each workout template, and more detailed than just creating a general exercise than features a video of the whole complex.
Michael DeGood commented
Have a template design specifically for a warm up or cool down that can be integrated into a workout via the workout builder.
Andre St.Amour commented
Warm up templates to be added at the beginning of the workout. This way we can separate warm ups from workouts. Warm ups can be less customized than a workout and easily added to any workout.
Relentless Hockey commented
Yes! This is a major turn off right now that I can't create distinction between what's warm up/movement prep and whats the actual workout, or breaking up the core/mobility work from the rest of the workout.
Adam Blake commented
For example:
Warm Up
MobilityDifferent titles for each grouping and the ability to leave specific notes for the clients to follow on each of the sections.
Greg DiRenzo commented
Would look into a way to have the trainer rearrange the order in the calendar after the workouts are added, in situations where a workout is already programmed and then a change is needed. For example: if the client injures a bodypart two weeks into the program and I need to add a “therapeutic” workout in the beginning of the workout. As it is now, once I add the “therapeutic” workout it goes to the end, unless I delete the entire day and put all of the programming in all over again. Please look into adding this feature when the trainer can adjust the order.
Kirsten Willis commented
I would like the ability to give names to my circuits, instead of "Circuit 1," "Circuit 2," etc.
This way I could name them "Warm-up," "Tabata Round," "Cooldown," etc.
Devin Jones commented
So I love the drag and drop feature, but sometimes I want to schedule stretching after cardio and lifting, and sometimes the feature only lets you drag and drop things in the order it allows. I feel we should have this power as trainers to prioritize things however we please.
Ryan "FitMan" Mac commented
If I add cardio as a workout of the day first , it would be nice if it showed that first. It always seems to prioritize workouts over cardio
Lucinda Valentine commented
Being able to add sections into a workout (warm-up & cool-down etc) would be great
Brian Bender commented
I would like the ability to program visible sections for my athletes. For example, when they open their work for the day, I would like sub headings for their work:
Warm Up
3 sets of:
mobilityTechnique work:
cEven the ability to name supersets or develop Templates with those headers would be helpful for my weightlifters
Jon Coogan commented
This is crucial for me. I have a 16 week program with a 5 day split broken into 4 week phases. This alone gives me 20 workout templates in a list. Multiply it a few times and the list gets unmanageable. Great suggestion, Trainerize please do this
Cody Thompson commented
It would be very useful to be able to separate the workout into categories which you could then make super sets within each category
Anonymous commented
To create a circuit for clients to complete at the end of their regular workout.
Tony commented
Yes, I love this idea!
Nathane Jackson commented
Yes, I just posted this as well and my submission brought me to this.
Areej Coach commented
And adjust timer based on that, for example, for watm up (timer in secinds) for strength, sets and reps upon the finish of each set + the weight, rather than waiting until the end and then log those numbers
terra cardwell commented
That and log cardio intervals. If I have someone doing sprint intervals I can't enter the different settings. only the overall time and pace
Anonymous commented
Would love this!