Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1631 results found
Being able to see each exercise listed in each workout on the clients and master program calendar view
When you open both the clients calendar and master program calendar, the trainer should be able to view all exercises within each workout. So when the trainer is looking at 4 weeks of programming, they can essentially see all 4 weeks of workouts in a clearer, easy to read way.
2 votes -
Allow flexibility when logging session results
Allow sport specific data collection and result logging. For example, when a client finishes a row they have to log by the KM. Rowing is only ever recorded by 500m intervals for example, 2:00/500m rather than 4:00/1km.
2 votes -
Favorisere/kategorisere øvelser
Kunne det vært mulig å gjøre det slik at man kan lage seg en øvelsesbank med favoritter fra øvelsesbiblioteket? Vi er flere som benytter samme konto i SATS, og det blir etter hvert veldig mange øvelser å lete gjennom.
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Allow for an increase auto % of intensity calculator
Allow for an increase auto % of intensity from week to week in the progression calculator. All based off the first week #s. Allowing a true linear progression.
4 votes -
1 vote
Quick Enter Data in workouts
Auto enter the reps and sets scheme that’s been assigned to the program when created.
Having this means you’d only need to enter a new rep/set if the client increased or decreased saving massive amounts of time fiddling around with it.
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Reduce folder to one with thr ability to share it or individual workouts/plans.
Minimize the folder options with the ability to share it. Its a pain flipping between shared and personal folders. Inefficient.
1 vote -
The ability to quickly see previous sets/reps/loads for an exercise, within a workout
During a workout - clicking on an exercise to see what reps/load you achieved in that exercise in previous workouts.
This is very motivating, knowing exactly how many reps you got before and what to aim for this time.
4 votes -
Week day automation not programme day automation
I like my clients to have all their measurements done on a Monday morning.
Programme days are one thing, but if some other things, like measurements can always be done on an actual Monday, that'd be grand.
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Multi Sport Out door coaching on Calendar
More room and tabs to write up customised cardio activity, Like...
DWR Deep Water Run
MTB Mountain biking
Road RidingClub group exercise - Example
Mojo365 Boxing / Circuits / Aquatic classes
3 votes -
Ability for clients to play video workouts on the web
Similar to the mobile app, if clients can play video workouts on the web.
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Ability to add just a workout
Sometimes I just want to add a workout with having to be part of a program. As it is now you have to make it part of a program. I customize the workouts for each person as each has some injury history or limitation. Frustrating to have to duplicate program, rename just to add a workout
6 votes -
I think it would be great to add a way to add voice prompts during the clients workout, so that its the trainers voice telling them to rest
I think it would be great to add a way to add voice prompts during the clients workout, so that its the trainers voice telling them to rest, increase intensity, etc like ques for the workouts themselves and direct them virtually through the workout
1 vote -
Countdown set Example 10reps-1reps
Allow to set a countdown of reps for example 10reps, 9reps and so on until 1 rep
1 vote -
Advanced Programming Option for Master Programs
The advanced progression option on individual workouts is great! It's interesting that this isn't compatible in the master programming.
Versus copying & creating another version of the workout only to modify & edit reps/sets/rest time & sprinkle in a few different variations of exercises.
This would be a huge game changer for several other coaches!
1 vote -
Announce the sets/reps/weights while in interval training mode
The interval training mode will announce the exercises, but not the sets/reps/weights/time below. This should be announced so the client doesn't need to look at the phone
3 votes -
Drop down tabs
Drop down tabs for reps and tempos. Also, more options to add to the calendar
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2 votes
Is there a way to carry over the weights that were recorded for one session to the next occurrence of that same workout?
Is there a way to carry over the weights that were recorded for one session to the next occurrence of that same workout? For example, I do my Day 1 workout and let's say it's upper body. I record all of my weights for this session. Is there a way to have these weights show up for my Day 1 workout the following week? Instead of having to look at what I did the previous week, the weights will automatically populate for the next session and I can adjust as those weights change.
2 votes -
Is there a way that you can make the app run in the background so that it doesn’t pause the workout when you go into another app?
Is there a way to make it so the workout programs don’t pause when you go out of it and into another app. This would work well with Zoom. I tried to teach a class using zoom and Trainerize and I couldn’t run my workout and have zoom on at the same time.
1 vote
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