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409 results found

  1. Ability to choose 3, 4, 5,or 6 meals for 1500 and lower caloric range

    When putting in a meal plan for someone who may be in the 1500 range to be able to offer them meals plus snacks, not just 3 meals.

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  2. Would be great if a shopping list could be provided for the client!

    Provide a shopping list based on weekly meal plan for clients.

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  3. Allow to copy a meal plan from one client to another

    Please please please, add the ability to copy client meal plans, or meal days to other clients.

    This seems like such an obvious feature that would be beneficial for 90% of users.

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    More simple meals. More choices than just bowls. A simple chicken ******, sweet potatoe and broccoli plate.

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  5. Ability to Schedule the Days in the Calendar - Day 1 to be on Monday and Friday, Day 2 to be on Tuesday, etc.

    To be able to Change the Day name to "Training days', "Rest Days" and also be able to schedule them for specific days on the calendar.

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  6. Meal Planner for coach

    For meal planner, the ability to swap a meal for a meal that the coach can create would be super beneficial

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  7. I need an option of 5 meals and 1,200 calories.

    I need my clients to eat more often so 3 meals and 2 snacks works but there is no option to generate that, Also, the lowest calorie optionis 1,400 which is too high for some small clients

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  8. Copy Client meals to others.

    Why are we not able to copy client meals? This is the simplest and most basic of tasks. Nothing should be implemented until this is fixed.

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  9. The option to build our own nutrition plans, entering our own ingredients and setting our own Macro split

    A data-base of ingredients that we can chose from to completely build a meal/nutrition plan from also to option to set the macro split ourselves. I used to use Nutritics and to be honest i'm thinking of going back to them despite the cost.

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  10. Description box for meal plan

    Be able to write a description on the meal plan to elaborate on what is expected from client further

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  11. Your should consider to let the clients copy the text like ingredients and preparation with the purpose of they can translate it

    Hello, I introduce myself. I am Sergio Castro, I am a Spanish-speaking fitness trainer, so my clients, like me, speak Spanish. I kindly request that you enable for now the option into the "Smart meal planner" to copy text from the APP itself, since ingredients and recipes within the smart nutrition plan must be understood and easy to use for my users. Thank you so much!

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  12. The ability to automatically prescribe macronutrient benchmarks based on consultation form submission

    To enhance user experience and efficiency by automatically prescribing macronutrient benchmarks based on the data provided in consultation form submissions.

    Feature Description:
    Develop an automated system that analyzes data from user-submitted consultation forms and prescribes personalized macronutrient benchmarks. This system should consider factors such as age, gender, weight, height, activity level, dietary preferences, and health goals.

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  13. Much Simpler Meals

    Ability to add in your own meal templates. And the meal planner calculate it to fit any clients macros.

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  14. Ability to personalize macros/calories WHILE clients are able to view meal ideas

    Would be great for my clients to have CUSTOMIZED macros/calories AND be able to view meal recipe ideas in the discover tab. I (and my clients) was excited about this new meal planner feature but unfortunately I can't integrate it with my customized macros I have assigned to them.

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  15. Create custom tags for custom meals

    Adding custom meal tags for custom meals/recipes would be great.

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  16. The ability to generate a grocery list for the meals clients pick on the meal planner

    Tracking all the different ingredients for the meals clients can pick throughout the week can be tedious and difficult based on the measurements used. Having the ability for the client to pick their meals and generate a grocery list allows us to have them use the app more frequently and simplifies nutritional coaching.

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  17. You NEED to give us a 5 meal per day option for a 1,300 calorie per day total. This is how almost all my clients eat and I can’t use yours.

    Please add an option to have 5 meals per day for a total of 1,300 calories per day. This is how most people eat. Three main meals and two snacks that total 1,300 calories. Currently your lowest total is 1,400 for only 3 meals. Please add some more lower calorie balanced meals. Please please please.

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  18. 95 votes

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  19. Add in individual food items to a smart meal plan

    Provide the option to add in snack foods throughout the meal plan, not actual meals for each entry...

    For example... I want to add Chobani Fit yoghurt, apple and berries as one snack time option and be able to swap the apple for a kiwi the next week or the berries for mango

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  20. I would like to choose 2 meals per day and not 3,4,5 or 6)

    I would like to choose 2 meals per day and not 3,4,5 or 6)
    Because my client don't do breakfast, just lunch and diner

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