Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1624 results found
Introduce a section within the workout plan to gauge the intensity each exercise/workout.
Personally I like to use the 'Reps in Reserve' (RIR) model. For each set I ask my clients to record how many more reps they feel they could have completed in good form. Very simple and gives me an indication of how hard the client is working. This is vital when progressing the workout (increase load/reps/ROM ect.) or even more importantly can help to identity if the intensity is too high and increasing the risk of injury.
Maybe this isn't for every trainer but it would be nice to have the option to customise the workout information.
RPE scale is…12 votes -
6 votes
Choose your own exercise video thumbnails
Most of my videos start with a blank screen so it would be help to be able to choose your own thumbnails.
70 votes -
Progression model selection per excercise.
It would be nice if I could categorize my excercise. So that I know per excercise what kind of progression I can submit.
For example:
Squat 3x12 (Progression model 2)
Overhead press 3x16 (progression model 1)This could be custom, so I can choose whatever name I would like.
For people working with Bayesian Bodybuilding it would be very nice.
4 votes -
Tabata timer
parts of my cilents workouts are tabasta based.
would be great if the video of the exercise was on the top of the screen while the timer was at the bottom so all the cilent has to do is press go and it will work as pre programed by me
6 votes -
Build workouts in Phases
It'd be nice to build a workout in a Phase, with x amount of weeks, and x amount of workouts. For example, Phase 1 is 4 weeks long with 5 days/week. This would allow us to build the whole phase on the same screen and keeping them together. Rather I have to name each workout Phase 1 day 1, Phase 1 Day 2.
7 votes -
Option to change exercises when scheduling progressions
We need the option to change exercises when scheduling progressions, and not just the set and rep targets. Right now, we have to rebuild the workout when it is time to advance from one exercise to another (progressing from incline pushups to floor pushups for instance). If we were able to schedule out those changes so that we could make progressions with incrementally different exercises instead of just sets and reps, it would save a TON of time.
Here's how I can see it implemented: On the current progression scheduler, we have the first column as a list of the…
47 votes -
show total workout time for interval trainings in workout summary and templates
It would be great when designing workouts and after to see a total time for the workout. This way trainer and client can see how long the workout is both while designing and in the summary after designed. It would be nice to see total time without having to start the workout to see how long the workout is. This will be better for scheduling and planning for both trainer and client.
11 votes -
80 votes
Copy workouts to all clients in one click..
Be able to copy a workout to ALL clients instead of having to enter individual names...this would be a huge value to add "workout of the day" to all clients and members....
10 votes -
Workouts from older plans
Would there be a way for a client to schedule workouts from older plans into their current plan? Quite a few of my clients have asked about this. They can see old workouts but aren't able to schedule them on their calendar.
4 votes -
Allow order of exercises to be changed mid workout.
Ever try sticking to your training plan in a busy gym? Rarely are you able to get through a workout exactly as planned. I'd like the ability to change order of exercises mid workout to maximize my client's time with me.
7 votes -
I would like to have an easier way to delete items off of calendar
Recently a client of mine injured her wrist outside of the gym, and of course needed her program adjusted. Well, I had to go to every single item that was scheduled and delete them individually, instead of being able to check a box next to items and delete multiple items at once.
7 votes -
Have one space where we can see all the notes a client has input.
I can only see a note from a client in the daily email or if I click on that specific workout they checked in for/tracked. Many of my clients leave me detailed notes after each workout and it would be helpful to see them all in one space for each client so that I can review them all at once before writing their next program.
9 votes -
Make it possible to track clients workouts that are onsite with a trainer. It would be easier to convert clients as well.
Trainers should be able to record live sessions as they are happening. Clients would be more likely to sign up for an additional monthly fee if they see us working with it everyday.
2 votes -
Edit main workout Template that automatically updateClients that is using that workout template
I have created a workout template and I have a multiple clients using the template however I add and videos tot he template weekly sometimes daily. I have updated the main template but this does not update all the clients using the template. Example I added 3 new videos and I have 50 people using this template instead of going to each individually to update them how can I do a bulk update without duplicating in the calendar or going to each individually?
3 votes -
2 votes
Graduate a client - Export their data
When a client "graduates" and completely stops training with you, it would be nice with a "Graduate" button which exports all his workouts (nicely, so he could print it), all his stats, meal plan, etc., into 1 PDF file which you can e-mail to them.
The export could have settings to choose which training plan to export, or choosing what time period.
The file could even have a nice front page, and a "About your trainer" section, a list of Personal Bests, links to social media, etc,.
29 votes -
See past stats when opening a tracked workout from the overview
When clicking an already tracked workout from the Recent Activities list, it would be sweet to be able to see the progress already there.
So instead of only showing weights and reps for that workout, show the past 3-4 workout stats.
6 votes -
When you track a workout have the previous workout reps/weight show on the screen
When my clients are tracking their stats their previous workout info doesn't show, so they can't do the workout and track at the same time since it doesn't show what weight/reps they did last time.
28 votes
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