Ability to label sections or blocks for each workout such as warmup, strength, assistance, skills, mobility, cool down, etc.
Currently there is no distinction between areas/sections of the workout such as warmup, movement prep, strength, assistance, met-con, skills, cool down, mobility/stretching, etc.
It would be great to have the sections labeled or the ability to create a custom area/section.
It would also be great to have templates for each area/section that could be saved and easily placed into the other workouts
For Example:
Rower @ 5 minutes
Movement Prep:
2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Leg Swings
10 KB Swings
10 Lateral Lunges
Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5 @ 75%
4 Rounds
10 KB Split Squat
Foam Roll @ 2 min
Couch Stretch @ 1 min

Charlie Kempsey commented
much needed!!
Darek commented
This is a glaring hole in what is otherwise a really solid training app!
Make it happen guys! -
Paula Dos Santos commented
It would be great to have a variety of warm-up and cool down/stretching sequences to add before and after the workout. Some clients have no idea how to do either. It would be very helpful.
Joe B. Abadilla commented
This is under review for more than a year. It's seems very deceiving. Don't make the status under review when it's clearly not.
Paul Bohannon commented
I was going to post something similar to this. I would like the ability to create protocols and then insert them in to different training sessions for each client. For example:
Shoulder Strength protocol:
Dumbbell front raise 0-90
Dumbbell lateral raise 0-90
Dumbbell single arm shoulder pressor
Ladders protocol:
Side step
Lateral stepI would commonly group these exercises together when prescribing. I could then create multiple protocols with their progressions and this would save me having to drag and drop each individual exercise each time.
Coach Charlot commented
This is long overdue...
Carla White commented
I too would REALLY like to see this feature. I had asked about it months ago. I can't count the number of hours I have spent creating the same workouts in different formats to suit client needs and preferences. This would be a HUGE time saver.
Beth Jones commented
I think it would be great to be able to reorder the workouts on a clients calendar when multiple items are scheduled for the same day. I have some clients who are very literal and will do the workouts in the order listed. Since I do a lot of rehab work with my clients, they often have multiple workouts on a given day. Sometimes they do no get added to the calendar in the order that I prefer them done, and it would be helpful to simply be able to drag and drop to rearrange that order, instead of deleting and adding the exercises again.
Drew Rosenzweig commented
This would give us the ability to create in our library various components such as dynamic warm-up, stretching routines, segmented workouts (shoulder, chest, etc.) and combine them into larger workouts without having to start from scratch each time.
Ryan Gibney commented
yes , the ability to sub heading within the workout would help massively get clients to understand the flow of the session and not neglect warm ups / mobility work
Katie Prendergast commented
Huge "yes" to this idea. I thought it was just my OCD, but being able to organize workouts this way would be helpful to clients so they understand the purpose of each part of their workout.
Holly Harrington commented
If I build a circuit workout, but then want to use all or almost all the same exercises for a similar workout with different parameters, I have to rebuild the workout from scratch to make it an interval or regular workout. It would be such a time saver to be able to switch and "save as" between the different modes of circuit/interval/regular!
Theresa Struck commented
I would like to name the sets or super sets in a workout- instead of it being set 1 , set 2 .
Kristian Flores commented
i dont want to have to select exercise by exercise in order to create a full workout. i want to be able to create a warmup, cooldown, or any other routine that i can use to build a workout as opposed to searching for exercises one by one. its way too time consuming as it is now. if i build a circuit i want to be able to add that circuit to a workout without having to build it step by step every time.
Mitch Bressington commented
Massive yes to this please
Wilson Horrell commented
I can't believe that this hasn't been fixed. This is more of a necessity and responsibility than a feature. We should totally be able to rearrange the order of workouts as things are added to a calendar.
Anonymous commented
Yes please!!! This is essential to give the client a more professional view/understanding of the workout structure. PT Distinction offers this and it would make sense to at least match their feature offering.
Arthur commented
THIS EXACTLY what I need. It takes a good amount of time for me to build separate warm up, stretches, cardio, strength and endurance work outs, and then have to build each of them onto my clients calendar. Would love to be able to just build it once
Elliot Bulley commented
Massive Yes Please to this - being able to stick clusters of multiple part-workouts on a day and order them so i dont have to keep re-writing entire programs out.
Currently Trainerize’s biggest flaw. -
Anonymous commented
Exercise categories within app ie headings within session such as warm up then main lift / exercises finisher