CrossFit Style AMRAP workout - Ability to put AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) as a value when adding number of sets.
Currently when putting in a value for the number of sets for the exercise it is not possible to put anything other than a number.
It would be great to have the ability to put in AMRAP if the exercise is to be completed for As Many Rounds As Possible in a set amount of time.
For Example:
AMRAP in 5 minutes
Box Jumps AMRAP x 10 Reps
Pushups AMRAP x 10 Reps

James Irish commented
Agreed. I placed a similar thread months ago. This is vital
Matt Hancocks commented
A CrossFit timer would do the trick
EMOM AMRAP, for time
It should be easy enough to add
Darren Goodall commented
Really need an amrap timer. This should be an easy update
Machiko Emoto commented
AMRAP feature is a must. Seriously thought about moving to other app like Truecoach. Please add this feature and you'll make many coaches very happy. :)
Alexander Roach commented
The ability to create an AMRAP style circuit would be great.
I see people have been asking for this since 2015 so I'm guessing the app is not being updated anymore. Maybe time to move on to something else? -
Fred commented
I need this function please :)
Anonymous commented
Is this not a thing? What the heck? I've been on the app designing programs and trying to figure this out for ages! How it this not a thing?? General pop love this training!
Please incorporate words to guide people throughout the programs Trainerize!
Andy Moriarty commented
Change the interval timer to have more options
Jørn Heimro commented
Yes please! I need these tools to motivate my clients end shift their focus from aesthetics to performance. The look will come, but I need the mind to follow
Coach Jordy commented
The in-App timer for regular workouts only allow up to 5min. Need this to be longer. At least 20min in the case we have AMRAP for multiple exercises.
Shaun Parris commented
It's important that the score can be rounds+reps, not just rounds.
Scotty Hills commented
Can we add an AMRAP option?
For example I want to programme:
20min AMRAP
20 Air Squats
20 Press Ups
20 Sit Ups
20 BurpeesI can’t see how I can do this? Anyone help?
William Butler commented
Pleeeese!! Update feature guys
JGL commented
Be able to create workouts that are just for time, rounds, reps, etc.
class calendar to sign into group classes
Create memberships that assign people to specific programs when they purchase
Online waiver consent forms?
These may already be options or being looked into. -
Kenzie Mosher commented
Even an empty text box where we could enter the workout without ANY requirements for time/reps/etc with access to the timer and the ability to enter a generic score. AND The ability to still see the movements programmed for said workout. This would leave alot of freedom to program several types of CrossFit-style workouts.
Dan commented
Def need this !
Paul Hynes commented
I agree! The ability to add an AMRAP set would be very useful
For example: As many rounds as possible in a set time frame.
Jennifer Scarponi commented
This would be amazing!!!
Bradley Brooks commented
NEED this function, would help a ton.
Katherine Martino commented
AGREED! Please add AMRAP