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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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5268 results found

  1. Ability to edit customized workout videos within the app

    It is great to be able to record exercise demo videos within the app, but it would be even better to be able to edit the videos inside the app. It would save so much time. Recording on my phone, editing, then uploading each video takes so much time.

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  2. Integrate Calm app into Trainerize

    Encouraging clients to mediate daily and keep track of mindful minutes will greatly improve client's focus, performance, and help them de-stress from the day to day activities from work, school, kids, life.

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  3. Embed questions into a workout for clients to answer after they've done the workout

    Ability to add questions into the workouts for my clients to answer afterwards. I have three questions that I like my clients to answer, and at the moment I am telling them to type their answers into the comment section, but it isn't ideal as they have to remember what the questions are. It would be easier if there was a way to add questions so that they can answer them after they have done the workout.

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  4. merge exercises

    Im sure I am not the only one who has created an exercise more than once with a slightly different name, or used the trainerize exercise and then created my own. The problem with this is that if you ever switch to "the other exercise" you lose the statsfor that exercise and have to start over. It'd be great to have a MERGE option to allow stats to cross over between stats.

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  5. Toggle Between Client Workout, Dash and Calendar

    As of now, you can only submit actuals once before recording that a clients workout is completed. It would be nice to toggle between their calendar and dash to view previous sets reps weight, activity habits etc bc as a trainer having that info handy in session is so valuable and it’s hard to remember all actuals at the end of a session and then jump into another client session.

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  6. Duplicate and/or Replace an exercise in the workout builder

    The ability to duplicate exercises or supersets. AND the ability to replace exercises in an already created workout, so we can simply duplicate a workout, rename, and change the exercises in it, maintaining all timing and reps etc - the functionality needs to be simple but effective; Click on an exercise and be given the option to duplicate or replace. If replace is chosen the next option should be to replace this occurrence only OR all in the workout.

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  7. ability to undo archiving a message

    I accidentally archived a message, but it's hard to find the thread again. Wish there was a way to quickly undo what I did.

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  8. Calculate total weight lifted during a workout

    I personally use an app called Strong for my training, which tells me the total weight I have lifted during my workout. I put a photo of this on Instagram and a few of my clients were asking if the trainerize app does this as they would like to know. From my experience, a lot of people like to know the total weight they have lifted.

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  9. Automated messages for streaks

    It'd be great to create an automated message for habit streaks. Getting a message from the app is one thing, but to have their coach send them a message would push it over the edge.

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  10. Download my exercise video.

    It would be convenient to allow admins/trainers to be able to download the video they've uploaded through the trainerize app. I know I can just record my own and upload it. Its nice to be able to select the exercise and record through the app, however if I want to use that video for something else, downloading it straight from the app would be great. For example if I delete it from my device or all other storages, its still there.

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  11. Be allowed to put multiple workouts to possibly purchase on checkout page

    Having multiple programs within the same catagory takes up a lot of space on a page if you have a seperate site. This would be the case if you had say 5-10 6 week programs under a certain catagory like "weight loss" or "Strength" workouts. Being able to use a single link to checkout on your site providing the choice of each program purchased individually or as a group in checkout would assist in making ones site look nice. This would also allow the potential client the choice of all the programs. This way they wouldn't have to go back…

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  12. The ability to delete automated messages completely

    I set up reminders for clients session (for forever) you cannot undo that, only clear it from their calendar month to month.

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  13. Warm up weight calculator

    A calculator clients can use to figure out what weight they should be using for warm up sets.

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  14. More minutes and seconds options for intervals

    In the interval feature, after 2 minutes, it jumps to 3,4,5,10,15,20,25,30. More interval options would be helpful. For example, half minutes and every minute up to 30 minutes or more.

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  15. Countdown for Timed Sets

    It can take some time to get into position after hitting the Start button on a timed exercise. When the timer ends you have to guess how much time you took to prepare and go past the bell.

    It would be nice if there were a (user adjustable) countdown timer to prepare for the exercise.

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  16. Ability to group habits into sub-folders and tracking options

    This idea is about allowing the grouping of new created habits in sub-folders.

    The idea of "habits" based coaching stems from CBT therapies. Most CBT based approaches use GSPA (Goal-Skill-Practice-DailyActions) as a framework. You set a goal and help the client built the skills to reach it through building some practices and monitoring daily actions.

    The goals are now somehow identified with intake questionnaires (though further refining of those in future would be great with some automated reporting).

    However at the moment the custom habits let you just create folders and habits within them - developing and assigning daily actions…

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  17. Rearrange client payment days

    Have the option to change the date of the direct debit for a client

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  18. Option to view a list of everyone’s workouts for the day in trainer overview

    It would be great to scroll through clients workouts on the overview page like a Facebook feed. I’m currently doing outdoor 1:1 during lockdown & have found it time consuming opening each clients profile to see their program.

    It would also be nice to be able to see online clients workouts they have completed on the feed too rather than have to open their profile.

    Great app too. Am loving it so far!

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  19. A note column for exercises for different workouts

    a column for a adding a note on exercise for different workouts jumps - for one workout it is go slow , for other workout go fast , for another one start slow then speed up.

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  20. Show total weight loss or cm/inches lost by entire group or challenge

    We have monthly weighins with clients and it would be great to see the total KGS or the total CM"s lost in that month as a collective.

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