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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5269 results found

  1. Allow for graphing of multiple variables at the same time

    For example, I need to be able to graph (on the same graph at the same time);
    1) exercise load AND reps.
    2) BF and Lean mass

    I would also like to be able to determine the time frame (start date and end date) for each graph

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  2. Allow trainers to share/sell/buy programs/plans

    Allow sharing or purchasing or pre-set programs.

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  3. Connect with Posture Screen Mobile

    Connect/sync Trainerize with the PostureScreen Mobile App

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  4. Language in danish!

    Im a trainer from Denmark, and the standard english messages make it look weird when my clients are danish too

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  5. Assign multiple trainers to one client to share

    Some trainers might need to share a client. ie. A trainer is working with a client on mobility/group fitneess. The other trainer is working on core programming.

    It will be good to assign the clients to both trainers.

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  6. Fully functional demo for prospective new clients

    It would be great if there were a fully functional demo within the app so I could send an install link to prospective new clients and they could view and go through exactly what the app can do and how a program that I load for them would look and how they would track it. Show how different other apps sync to trainerize (especially myfitnesspal). I think it would really help to sell an online program with Trainerize as a selling point.

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  7. Text to client opposed to just email

    Allow trainers and clients to communicate through text message straight to their phones.

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  8. Language portuguese(Brazil)

    I need this app in language portugues(Brazil)

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  9. Add an exercise to an existing workout on the fly

    In the previous version of the app, you could add an exercise on the fly. It helped when you simply added another exercise or substituted an exercise for some reason and wanted to record it accurately. i.e. maybe you substitute a DB bench press for a BB bench press. This can still be done on the browser, but is no longer available on the app. I resort to making a note in a notebook and entering it later when I am at my computer.

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  10. Exercise difficulty rating

    With a previous software that I've used, each exercise was rated on a difficulty level from 1-10, and when searching for exercises, you were able to sort based on difficulty level, which makes it much easier when trying to find exercises for extreme beginners, or extreme experts if necessary.

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  11. 16 votes

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  12. Download Progress Pics

    It would be great if we could download progress pics so that we can do before and afters for our clients

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  13. Drop down list of exercises

    The ability to create a drop down list of exercises in a program i.e. say a program consisted of:

    A1 - Lower body single leg push - 4 x 6-8
    A2 - Upper body pull - 4 x 6-8

    B1 - - Lower body single leg pull - 4 x 6-8
    B2 - upper body push - 4 x 6-8
    B3 - core - 4 x 10-12

    D1 - biceps - 2x10-12
    D2 - triceps 2x10-12

    The actual exercise variety would be populated with a list of exercises (say split squats, lunge and step up for single leg push). The…

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  14. allow for reporting of results to send to client

    I would like to have the ability to send my clients a report on their progress, that shows more than just one metric @ a time. It would be cool to show them a report with up to 3 or 4 metrics (EXAMPLE: waist, hip, LBM,FM & Weight ) with the dates of measurements as well. Right now they can only go online and view each individually on a graph. It would be cool to be able to print this out and give them to put on their fridge for motivation. I have used VirtuaGYM previously and that is something…

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  15. Make the activities graph less confusing

    The Activities graph in its current state is a little confusing. For one the color for workouts on the graph is green when they are represented as blue in the calendar and cardio is blue in the graph but green in the calendar. More importantly it's odd that the "workout graph" is a graph of ALL exercises performed regardless if it was cardio or a planned workout yet there is a separate graph just representing cardio. It would make more sense to have 1 line for workouts (blue) and 1 for cardio (green) so that each type of activity can…

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  16. 10 votes

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  17. Make it possible to hide workouts from clients dashboard/calendar until completed

    I wish you could have an option to hide workouts from a clients calendar until they are completed. I like to put 3-4 weeks of workouts in at a time and don't want my client to see what they are. Maybe it would be good to have a label that says Private Training, that only a coach can view, and when completed, they can then view it.

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  18. Allow the trainer to set the weight each set should be preformed

    Allow weight sets reps all to be individual boxes instead of combined in the notes tab and allow the weight and reps to be modified for every set by the trainer

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  19. Progressions for cardio activities

    Trainerize has incorporated the ability to quickly layout progressions for a particular resistance routine/program. It would nice if we could do the same for cardio with volume, frequency, duration, intensity, level, incline, etc.

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  20. Let clients self-move their master program start date if they are sick

    I usually program my clients for two weeks at a time. Every now and then, they miss a workout and now their whole program is messed up. I have to manually delete every workout and then re-add all the workouts. Usually, the client ends up doing the same routine, just pushed back a day.

    If you could, make their a way to select the workouts in the calendar and then add an option that says move forwards one day, back one day, back two days, back three days, back one week.

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