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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5269 results found

  1. Better Quick Emoji Options in the Chat! ❤️👍💪🏆 👏 🎉😃

    The current 6 emoji options that can be quickly accessed in the bottom right corner of the chat box are very lacking. For instance, I’ve NEVER used the “thumbs down” emoji, nor have I used the “waving hi” emoji – both are basically pointless and take the place of emojis that coaches are much more likely to use, like the “arm flexing” and/or “trophy” emoji or even just a simple “smiling” emoji (not a face that’s sticking its tongue out at a client…).

    Here is a better lineup of emojis that I think coaches would appreciate having quick access to:…

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  2. The ability to have a 'hub' for client resources to acces

    Currently I store all of my client's resources in a separate google drive such as grocery lists, personal development resources, nutrition packets etc. It would be awesome to have a hub in trainerize that could support the shared storage of resources for my clients. Everfit I believe has this feature.

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  3. Shop

    It would be awesome to be able to sell physical products on here as well for e.g shorts, shorts, gym accessories in your companies name. add them just like any other product but have the ability to manage stock for e.g (make it so if you have 20x large shirts to sell you can enter that limit and once they all sell they mark out of stock).

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  4. Convert cups into grams as well on the meal preview

    When previewing meals, user can see grams being translated into Oz, or vice versa, but cups always remain as cups and are not transformed into grams.

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  5. Fitrings and Whoop bands

    I can see over 500 votes for these. How long until they will be added?

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  6. View client session history

    allow clients to and trainers to see session history, ie. how many sessions a client has done to date and when

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  7. Sheduling messages in bulk ahead of time on everyone calendar in bulk

    • please make messages scheduling plannable directly on the main calendar for everyone to be reached in bulk, once, rather than having to programme individual messages for each client which takes so much time.
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  8. Ability to create a custom booking window.

    I would like for my clients to be able to book in 30 minutes before a class starts. It would be helpful to not be limited to choosing between 0 or 2 hours before the class begins. I'd like to be able to enter in a custom time.

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  9. side-by-side photos

    How are side-by-side comparison photos not a feature enabled on desktop yet? Come on guys? This is such a low-hanging fruit. The fact I have to go to my mobile to screenshot and then upload to a separate powerpoint to show my clients their progress...this alone has driven me to explore other platforms. This has been requested for years and instead the focus has been on other random small low-benefit items for trainers.

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  10. Workout Readiness Score

    When you client is ready to begin their workout, having a check list of sleep, soreness, mood, energy, stress will greatly help with feedback and tracking over the course of the program/training block.

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  11. Prevent Clients from SCREEN SHOTTING workouts to save for their own

    I would like Trainerize to find a way to stop clients from screen shotting the workouts the trainers assign and create. Ive had opportunities for sales that did not go through because clients have screen shotted the workouts for themselves. If we can find a way to prevent this from happening, it'll protect alot of trainers hard work from being stolen.

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  12. Online Video Course

    A section to host educational content.
    Right now, I can set up auto messages to deliver video links, but it can be overwhelming when a client falls behind.

    An 'at your own pace' educational section on the app would be HUGE, and would increase engagement in my community rather than me building a seperate kajabi or Skool hub for them

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  13. Ability to add link to booking portal in places that aren't Trainerize.

    I want to be able to add my booking calendar link to my social media bio so anyone can book in for a consult, or online programming session to reach new audiences.

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  14. Calendar bulk editing

    When I add recurring auto messages (or similar) and then realize I need to either edit or delete the automation, I am unable to do so for all/in bulk, I have to go into each event individually, which is a pain if something was scheduled out far in advance!

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  15. Allow for Bigger Files to be Uploaded in Groups

    The file capacity is super low. Some of my pdf's I'd like to share with my clients cannot be shared in this app due to size. This is kind of ridiculous.

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  16. So i think all this app needs really

    So i think this app really needs a proper weekly check in feature, currently you can set up repeated automated questions but only 3 per time, but adding in a proper weekly check in feature alongside all the biometric data would change the game and would help the clients engage more in there weekly check ins

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  17. Master Challenges In Program Builder

    I would like to be able to create a library of challenges so I can cycle through them throughout the year.

    Would also like the ability to make challenges that can be used as a lead magnet.

    If challenges are in the Master program builder section they could be built with specific workouts, lessons, automated text, etc.

    As it sits now the feature is honestly just another version of the client compliance section.

    Only now we have to set a start date and time instead of making a challenge we can use for later.

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  18. Checkin Clients to Classes and weekly reports on attendance

    Allow us to check clients in and if they no show send them an automated message. At the end of the week create a report to see which clients didnt show up for all their workouts that their plan is (2x or 3x a week) so we can reach out to them.

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  19. unavailablity

    Instead of Date specific availability it should be unavailability

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  20. Allow coaches to setup recurring booking credits without linked payment

    Right now, If we wanted to add recurring booking credits to a clients account, they have to be charged directly for the credits.

    This means:
    We can't give free trials with recurring credits.
    We can't allow a client to attend without paying through TZ because they may be getting free training or they are paying by other means.
    We can't edit/cancel the payment or credits without also editing or canceling the payments.

    I suggest simply removing the requirement for a recurring credit package to be paid for directly. We could still attach a payment to it if we'd like or…

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