Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1631 results found
allow decimals for tracking cardio distances
Allow Cardio Distances to be Tracked with Decimals - Ex: 1.5 miles, 0.62 miles, etc
2 votes -
Add Notes to exercies
Please add a section so members can add notes to their favorite exercises like what are their favorite settings on machines or whatever equipment or variation they prefer.
1 vote -
Client uploads videos to exercise
Let clients easily upload videos after they have done an exercise so the videos get attached to that exercise for the trainer.
1 vote -
Exercise Notes
Recommend a notes section for any exercise when building a workout. This allows the trainer to add modifications, options, and safety tips that the client can use inter-workout.
29 votes -
Some ideas around 1RM
1) Being able to manually enter a client's 1RM for an exercise
2) Using percentages of 1RM to prescribe a workout weight, this is especially useful for the long-term progression of programs
4 votes -
Allow clients to pause workouts and come back without having to click "save"
Many of my clients have brought to my attention they would like to be able to pause their workouts. In cases where they need to break up their workout they aren't able to pause a workout half way, just save and finish the workout.
46 votes -
Have an "Optional" Feature in the Workouts
I would love to have "Optional" feature on my master programs. Similar to how "Supersets" are shown in the program, it would say "Optional" instead. This would be great for bonus work, example core finisher or an advanced exercise challenge. That way clients wouldn't feel pressured/obligated to do it, but can choose to if they want!
1 vote -
The ability to customise length of exercises or duration by adding decimals for example 2:15mins, 2:30mins, 2:45 etc.
1 vote -
Japanese Translated Workout
Hi Trainerize,
This is Hikaru from New Zealand speaking Japanese.
I want to suggest that you and I need to have japanese translated workouts for japanese. I have some clients from japan and they are not able to read english. If possible, I am able to work as translator for helping those clients and also you are able to spread this greatest app to japanese customers and make profit from them.I have never seen this kind of app in Japan so it would be perfect for Japanese coaches and trainers.
Kind regards,
Hikaru Namura
1 vote -
if the "rest complete" bell rings, then there should be NO notification that also says the same
in-workout: if the "rest complete" bell rings, then there should be NO notification that also says the same but has a different audio tone that interrupts the app bell
2 votes -
some kind of checkbox or "set complete" button that greys out (or otherwise diminishes) the set just completed, auto-start timer
Feature for in-workout: some kind of checkbox or "set complete" button that greys out (or otherwise diminishes) the set just completed, while automatically starting the preset timer
2 votes -
being able to add your own custom thumbnails for exercises, workouts, and programs would be a fantastic idea to include in Trainerize's futu
Being able to add your own custom thumbnails for exercises, workouts, and programs would be a fantastic idea to include in Trainerize's future
1 vote -
Enable Expiring Program Tags When Subscribed To Master/On-Demand Programs
Trainers should be able to enable to see when clients custom programs are expiring or expired, but unfortunately that isn't the case when they are also subscribed to a master program or on-demand program library. This is a big flaw as many master programs linked to groups or on-demand programs are now being used to compliment clients custom primary programs, and not just as an alternative to them.
4 votes -
Be able to print the Progression spreadsheet
This will allow you to track & see (all in one sheet) what your client has done in previous weeks while you are on the floor with them in their session.
I am currently copying the tracking sheet from the previous week onto a blank tracking sheet for the current session, so I can see what they did last week.7 votes -
ability to track total volume of a exercise session.
really need this to cycle out intensity and volume for my clients
2 votes -
Pages layout for workouts.
It would be great if when doing a workout, instead of a single page the athlete has to scroll through, each exercise/group of activities were on their own pages. I find it tedious and easy to get lost with a one-page scroll layout. For example, exercise 1 is shown. Enter reps/weight/etc., once complete, page moves on to exercise 2, and so on.
2 votes -
Ability to Record Reps & Weight in Guided Workouts
Create ability to record reps & weight lifted during guided workouts.
Either allow for the client to enter while the exercise is underway, or create a second "exercise" we can add to guided sessions after a given movement is complete for the client to records reps & lbs (this could even be part of a special 'rest' exercise).
1 vote -
Timer for elbow plank
Add a timer for the elbow plank
1 vote -
The ability to copy and paste my own created programs amongst my clients
When I create a program for one client sometimes I wish to just copy that program from one client to another. Then creating the same program again for another client. It’s time consuming
1 vote -
2 votes
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