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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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1631 results found

  1. Add exertion level

    Please add a feature inside the LT training app that will allow the user to rate the exertion level or difficulty of a particular set of reps within an exercise. For instance - if I log 12 reps at 50 lbs - I would then log the exertion level for that set - using 1-5 or 1-10 - so when that exercise comes back up in a future workout I will know whether or not I should increase weight.

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  2. More angles in exercise videos

    More angles in exercise videos

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  3. Master program availability

    We would like one-way messaging members to be able to add master programs to their calendar days at our discretion.

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  4. Custom folders in clients profile

    We need more than one custom folder for clients.

    We need the ability to subscribe clients to multi-master programs along with the ability to edit those workouts within their profiles.

    We have the ability to subscribe clients to demo libraries. This is great for generic programs. Most trainers have a template program and then need to adjust the master program.

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  5. Ongoing timer.

    It would be great if during a workout, an athlete could have an ongoing timer that tells them when to workout and when to rest. For example, the coach could program: perform exercise A for 30 seconds and rest for 1 minute. A timer that automatically moves through this has been suggested to be more motivational instead of something that has to be manually start and stopped.

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  6. Training instructions

    Make the long form training instructions for the week pop up when a client starts a workout, the same way it does in TrainHeroic.

    Otherwise clients don't know that there ARE instructions to follow or where to find them.

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  7. Allow clients to see descriptions for on-demand programs

    When new clients have access to on-demand programs it would be nice if they could see the description and any pointers rather than only instructions on the individual workouts

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  8. Change the text colour to black not grey. Grey colour is barely visible.

    Change the text colour to black not grey. Grey colour is barely visible.

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  9. Add the ability to add weight for banded exercises

    Many brands have weighted bands. With as many home workouts occur, please allow the ability for clients/trainers to input the weight of bands that the client uses/should be using.

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  10. Option to erase PRs for a new workout split

    When starting a new split you should have the option to start data collection over again: Comparing your PRs when you have something at the beginning of the workout vs the end, or lower reps or higher rests etc. doesn’t make a lot of sense . It also encouraged clients to go too heavy trying to beat their old numbers when they really should be focusing on that split (if trainers what to keep them that’s also fine but I prefer to compare the PRs for this split and not all time)

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  11. Allow the client to be able to swap exercise in timed workouts.

    Clients need the ability to swap exercises in the timed workouts just like they can in the regular workouts. This would allow clients to make modifications to workouts much easier. This is a feature they are offered in other workouts, just not the timed ones.

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  12. Be able to restart the workout if accidentally stopped from AppleWatch

    Several times I have accidentally stopped the workout on my Apple Watch by inadvertently pushing the crown or other issues due to hand positions when weight lifting. It would be great to be able to start the workout back up.

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  13. Allow planks to be timed instead of only reps

    Allow the exercises like Planks to be able to be counted as timed reps instead of just reps.

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  14. Spread Sheet Programming format

    It would be great to allow for a better view of all workouts in a program. Currently you have to open multiple tabs to see what other days are doing. A cleaner view with all exercises and scheduled workouts would be much easy to program for clients with.

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  15. Add a ten second chime to signal rest period coming to an end.

    During rest periods, an added chime at "10 seconds remaining" to signal the nearing end of the rest period. This will signal the client to return to position and prepare for the next set when the rest period is over.

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  16. Ability to have training only functionality.

    Ability to turn off nutrition and habits and only have workouts.

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  17. Ability to create and save small sequence of exercises, and load them in workout builder

    I think it would be useful having the ability to create small sequences of exercises (ex. 3-4 mobility exercises for hyperlordosis) and save them in a specific database...
    ..So when I create/modify a workout I should just load the specific sequence I need instead of inserting every single exercise one at a time

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    I use "The Prehab Guys" exercise library all the time, and I find that the trainerize library lacks in some programming areas. Is there a way for you to allow us to link to their library (like you do Youtube)? That would be a GAMECHANGER for me! :)

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  19. Added Cardio Option

    First, I love the app! Great job!! Can we add "Home Chores/ Yard Work" to Cardio options. I have Moms just getting started and that's a great way to get them up and moving and feeling accomplished.

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  20. Ability to template out master workouts

    I like to think of my workouts containing a certain repeating pattern of horizontal push, horizontal pull etc exercises.

    I would like to build out templates of movement patterns and circulate them to my team. Then the trainers switch out the pattern placeholders with the actual exercises they want.

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