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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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1626 results found

  1. Calendar Functions

    Be able to “select all” or select multiple items on the calendar to delete.... it you have to change workouts or another task, it can be tedious to have to do it 30x instead of just once.

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  2. More workouts to choose from.

    I wish there was more already designed workouts with minimal equipment. Or that I can type in the equipment my clients have and what body part they are working and it would populate a workout that I could tweak.

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  3. - Workout covers, video freeze, active videos during interval workouts.

    • Have a cover picture option for each workout you create.
    • freeze and edit the video from the platform
    • active videos during interval training workout.
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  4. Import pre made workouts from library while using freestyle mode.

    This feature would mainly benefit 1 on 1 training. Giving us the ability to import a template to build off rather then building from scratch during the session. I suggest this because I don't want to clutter the clients "Program tab area" with 20-30 templates.

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  5. Ability to enter the same amount of text in notes via the mobile app, as we currently can on the site.

    Currently, there seems to be a text limit when creating workouts and entering notes on the mobile app, compared to on the site. We should have the ability to enter larger notes while using the app like I can on the desktop version.

    I haven't noticed recently, but previously larger notes created on the desktop site, have been cut off when viewing the workout on the app. Obviously meaning all instructions for that movement cannot be viewed.

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  6. 2 votes

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  7. Option to have “REST” periods be a video

    The ability to have as an option a custom video as your rest. Instead of just a countdown timer solely. To be able to have the trainers face during say a 30 second or one minute rest. Let the client know that the next exercise or circuit might have a different set of equipment is a pretty cool way of keeping it very personal

    Way less boring and would bring the experience to life more .

    It would be like having a trainer say “now it’s time to go get a stability ball and one kettlebell WHILE the timer is…

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  8. Give more options for a timer. Start at 5 seconds and once you reach 60 it should not only have the option for 90 after that

    Timer should start at 5 seconds for work and for rest and have the ability to do our own timer or continue every 5 seconds after the 60 second mark. 60 to 90 is a big jump. Would like the ability to fully customize

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  9. Allow Automation Settings for Product Add-ons

    Allowing automation settings (setting messaging 1-way or 2-way options delivering content, adding to groups) would greatly reduce the amount of manual changes we have to make when someone purchases an add-on.

    For example: I have a core product which does not include 2-way messaging.

    When they add on a certain add-on product, 2-way messaging is one of the perks I include with the add on.

    I currently have to manually go in and change this for each person, instead of it being automated like a normal product.

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  10. Tracking exercises

    This feature may exist, but it would be great to have a feature that "flags" exercises added into the next training phase that are being used in the current phase. For example, if client has straight leg deadlift, and I add it to the next training program, it will identify it as already being used in current program. That way I can modify the programming more easily without referring back.

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  11. Easy to edit advanced progression spredsheet

    When editing advanced progression spreadsheet, having access to the clients’ weights/volume from the previous week/most recent workouts rather than only what was prescribed in the original workout.

    Have to access app on multiple platforms to see exactly what they performed so you can ensure progressive overload for the following week.

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  12. More free text ability.

    I want to be able to comment on specific exercises, for example to offer modification options. Right now the only free text is for the overall workout, not for specific exercises. I would also use free text for circuits or supersets within a Regular workout.

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  13. Drag and delete on the calendar

    Click and highlight multiple days in the calendar and have a button to clear those days completely to make it easier

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  14. Seeing a truly weight lifted for sets and not overall volume all the time

    A client of mine stated “I have a thing that might be helpful on the app, I noticed today that the app tracked my warm-up sets as my best set overall, I think because it had more reps so what I saw was 10 reps at 45 pounds instead of six reps at 176 pounds which was the set that I worked up to last week. I know I would prefer seeing what my max weight was in those scenarios, I might like to see the maxpreps in the scenarios where I am going for Max reps, not weight at…

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  15. Ability to edit RPE

    There are times where you might forget to set it, or accidentally set it wrong - and the only way to change it is to re-enter the entire session and delete the old one. Seems like being able to edit these things without completely redoing it (like we can with the actual training stats) would be an obvious functionality without needing to be voted on.

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  16. Volume adjuster in the on demand app videos, there is one on the computer but not the phone version

    Volume adjuster in the on demand app videos, there is one on the computer but not the phone version

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  17. Metric in Dashboard for number of workouts completed in current program

    Add a metric on the admin client dashboard that shows "x workouts completed" for the current program.

    Example Image:

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  18. Cardio completion notification should also be generated

    Only workout completion generates notification. Cardio completion should also generate notification - in app and email.

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  19. Add videos for exercises that can be used on the different bow flex machines.

    I have clients who have different forms of bow flex machines at homes. Can we get videos of all the exercises applied to those machines? Bow flex has a cable machine hybrid setup as well.

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  20. Be able to quickly fill in Reps and kg from previous set completed inset of having to manually inputting each set

    Would be really convent as a PT and user to be able to just click a button that add in the previous reps and weight (kg) into next set if client has done the same reps and weight in all sets.
    At the moment if a person does 4 Sets of 10 and used 15kg I need to input all info 4 times and would be an amazing update.

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