Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1628 results found
Showing total Volume/ tonnage on the progress section for workouts.
Being able to show total pounds or total Kg's lifted in a workout. Most sensible place would be on the workout progress section. Since you are already able to see individual tonnage on each exercise, being able to see it each workout makes calculations easier on our end as trainers.
60 votes -
Number of workouts per week goal
Set a weekly workout goal for compliance. So I can set a 2x per week goal.
58 votes -
Client add comments to exercises
Allow clients to add comment tags to specific exercises like "try heavier next time" or "record video for form check next time" etc...
57 votes -
Senior (55+) exercises
Seniors have different needs. The aging body and various medications limit what can be done. Chair exercise would be one example.
56 votes -
Have an exercise "favourites" section for our most used exercises when building new workouts
Have the option to add an exercise that we use a lot to be added to a "favourites" area within the workout building area of the app.
54 votes -
Ability to group exercises into progressions, and substitute easier with more difficult exercises
Stack exercises together. Easily substitute exercises from easy to difficult
52 votes -
Bring back colour coding and repeating events to program scheduler
With a recent update for Stacking Multiple Programs, Trainerize introduced a new scheduler that depreciated the colour coding and repeating events.
This idea is to bring back the features from the previous scheduler.51 votes -
Ability to place a master workout in multiple programs or client's programs and have it automatically update everywhere when I edit.
I had to update a workout template but it did not automatically update the template that is already scheduled with clients... If we could add a master workout to my client's account but have it be linked.... this will make it way more efficient to update workouts that may be on hundreds of clients' calendars... It would be too time consuming if I had to go to each individual client and delete and then re-send template which I had to do.. Luckily it was only a few clients
51 votes -
Manually enter calories for work out
Being able to enter calories burnt per workout when completed
50 votes -
Ability to show workouts, videos and timer on a TV for small group training like a coach's assistant.
Be able to connect a TV to a computer or Apple TV and show all the exercise videos, timers on the TV so the class can follow along.
The TV can act as a coach's assistant, so the coaches can focus on coaching technique.
49 votes -
Allow clients to search their workouts
For many of my programs, clients get access to a big list of my workouts, but their most consistent complaint is "scrolling" and the inability to filter or search. The tags already exist on the trainer platform - could these be copied to the user view?
Like I said, this is the #1 complaint my customers have and it would be SO great to be able to solve it through even just a search. THANKS!!49 votes -
Training days and rest days macros. Add macros in overall program.
Being able to prescribe training day macros and rest day macros to a client would be ideal. Also being able to add daily nutrition goals and habits to the overall program would be awesome. Thanks.
47 votes -
be able to rearrange or reorder training phases
Be able to drop and drop training phases so we can rearrange them for easier editing of programs
47 votes -
Custom rest periods.
It would be nice to be able to manually enter any rest time we want. At times during “density blocks” I want to decrease rest periods each workout by 10-15 seconds, entering my own rest intervals or having a wider variety of options (every 5 seconds for example) would be great.
47 votes -
Have the option to repeat/loop a Master Program
Have the option to create a Product that takes a Master Program (3 x 4week as an example) to subscribe clients to, and after the 12 weeks, the client goes back to the first "phase" and the program continuous in a loop. Duration can be set as normal, either as Forever or for X weeks.
47 votes -
Option to change exercises when scheduling progressions
We need the option to change exercises when scheduling progressions, and not just the set and rep targets. Right now, we have to rebuild the workout when it is time to advance from one exercise to another (progressing from incline pushups to floor pushups for instance). If we were able to schedule out those changes so that we could make progressions with incrementally different exercises instead of just sets and reps, it would save a TON of time.
Here's how I can see it implemented: On the current progression scheduler, we have the first column as a list of the…
47 votes -
Allow clients to pause workouts and come back without having to click "save"
Many of my clients have brought to my attention they would like to be able to pause their workouts. In cases where they need to break up their workout they aren't able to pause a workout half way, just save and finish the workout.
46 votes -
Duplicate and/or Replace an exercise in the workout builder
The ability to duplicate exercises or supersets. AND the ability to replace exercises in an already created workout, so we can simply duplicate a workout, rename, and change the exercises in it, maintaining all timing and reps etc - the functionality needs to be simple but effective; Click on an exercise and be given the option to duplicate or replace. If replace is chosen the next option should be to replace this occurrence only OR all in the workout.
46 votes -
Automatically generate weights based on percentages using the clients 1 rep max numbers
If I design a program that is using a percentages based progression structure it would be great to be able to enter (ex. 65%) and based on their 1rep max numbers the app automatically generates the load (ex. 200 lbs) in the program for that exercise.
44 votes -
Batch Upload Multiple Exercise Videos at once
Please we want to upload all the exercices at ones and let them upload while we editing tags and descirption .... posting them one by one is pain in the a**
43 votes
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