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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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1628 results found

  1. Fix glitch

    Fix glitch that messes up when saving workouts and loses client progress as well as the number of sets that’s sometimes gets messed up when saved.

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  2. Trainer tips and alternatives on original exercise

    Have extra headings or tabs to click on for customisable tips and alternatives

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  3. Future product waitlist

    I would like to be able to post a product waitlist for clients to join, this would help me get a better idea of how many clients are interested in that specific product as I work on it. This would also be a way to generate excitement for those who like to know what is to come in the future.

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  4. Fix synchronization issue with Trainerize app, consider batch updating weights & reps for efficiency during workouts.

    Fix synchronization issue with Trainerize app, consider batch updating weights & reps for efficiency during workouts.

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  5. Would be great to be able to see all days when you are programming as well as the previous program.

    It's hard to program properly because you can only program one day at a time. It would be every beneficial to able to see all days when programming and the week prior.

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  6. Ability to note that indicated number of sets is per side and make the app account for the extra set count in workout total time.

    The estimated total time of the workout doesn't factor in the fact that the indicated sets for unilateral exercises are to be performed on each side. As such, it would be great if on exercise selection the app allows you to indicate that the amount of suggested sets are per side.

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  7. Make it so that tall videos automatically open to full screen when the client presses play the first time

    Right now the tall videos start playing with black bars after the client pushes play, and they have to press “full video” again to get the full screen version. There should not be two steps—it should open to full screen in the tall format automatically.

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  8. Allow Distance Data to be Pulled on Cardio Stats Instead of Hours

    Data for client cardio is only shown in "hours" completed - we should be able to pull the data in distance. Viewing cardio completed in hours really can create a negative connotation with obsessive clients. I think distance is more practical and sensitive to users.

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  9. Easy to see 'Show more' button at the bottom of Training Program

    When the client clicks on the kettlebell at the bottom of the app, they only see 3 workouts at a time. To see more, they need to click 'show more'. SOOO many of my clients don't see this and end up doing the 3 workouts over and over.

    Please make this button more visible

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  10. Workout ease

    I don’t like that I can’t see the entire weekly workouts splayed out on the calendar and that it doesn’t have the flexibility to make modifications in the moment to one day or all the days. It’s rigid and doesn’t allow me to modify as my client progresses or if they need a substitutes I’d like to have the freedom to change things up easily.

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  11. When you upload multiple workouts into a single day, order it in the order that the coach uploads it in - not lasts updated!

    When you upload multiple workouts into a single day, order it in the order that the coach uploads it in - not lasts updated!

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  12. Make the workouts organize from A-Z again!!!!

    When you choose workouts to upload into calendar - make it alphabetical!

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  13. Phased On-Demand Workouts

    It would be great if the on-demand workouts could be phased. Coming across the issue of a pre-made group program I'm trying to sell to a large group at the same time but I want them to be able to actually start the program at their own convenience. Either that or allow them to choose when they can start a phased program. Currently, once they buy it the clock automatically starts for the phased programs but the on demand ones only allow you to do 1 set of workouts at a time.

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  14. Change Master Programs for a Single Client.

    I use the 14 Day Trial to attract new clients. Currently if I want to change a workout for a single client I cannot. I have a client that has knee issues and I cannot change exercises that aggravate her knee issues because it is a master program. So I would have to change the program for everyone. I should be able to offer alternative exercise on an individual basis. Even if I cannot change the program I should be able to simply add an alternative to certain exercises.

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  15. Offer multiple levels for a single Master Program

    It would be great to be able to offer "levels" of a single program. For example Crossfit uses and L1-L4. Clients could choose their level at the start of a master program, and this would trigger pre-specified substitutions from the trainer. For example a trainer could designate weighted pull-ups for L1 and assisted pull-ups for L3 etc.

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  16. Exercise Tracker per Client

    When having long term clients, sometimes, you want to switch the accessory exercises and lose track if you have programmed it in a previous program. Maybe there can be an indicator or notification when the an exercise has been used before.

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  17. Mass assign programs to clients

    I would like to be able to mass assign programs to all clients. When introducing a new on demand library or program for a challenge, the only options we have are to assign them individually, page by page on the client tab or make a product.

    It would be more efficient to be able to select all clients in the client tab and add the new on demand program(s) to clients.
    It would also be great to have the option to show more clients on each page rather than just 7 at a time.

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  18. Ability to assign/subscribe multiple on demand libraries at once

    I would like the ability to assign multiple programs, such as on demand programs, all at once to new clients.

    Right now, I have to add these 1 by 1 and it's time consuming as we continuously add more on demand content. Being able to multi-select all on demand libraires at once would make the sign up process more efficient.

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  19. Allow clients to watch videos on the web version without having them scheduled

    Clients are frustrated because they can't watch videos on demand on the web version. They need to be scheduled on their calendars. Since most people follow workouts using a bigger screen and not a mobile phone screen, this would remove the inconvenience for clients.

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  20. Derailleur tuning mode

    On the Saris app, it would be really handy to have a free wheeling mode in order to tune the derailleur when the bike is on the Saris H3 trainer.

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