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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5270 results found

  1. A note column for exercises for different workouts

    a column for a adding a note on exercise for different workouts jumps - for one workout it is go slow , for other workout go fast , for another one start slow then speed up.

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  2. Show total weight loss or cm/inches lost by entire group or challenge

    We have monthly weighins with clients and it would be great to see the total KGS or the total CM"s lost in that month as a collective.

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  3. Take a selfie after a workout that you can share via social media - this way your clients can brag about themselves and its great marketing.

    Create frames that trainers can edit (very simple - colour editing and word editing)
    After each workout, a client gets the option to take a selfie post-workout that they can share via social media. This way clients get to brag about themselves as well as help you market your new 12-week challenge (for example)

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  4. To have progressional charts viewable on client's app

    I believe that the function of having the clients able to view their progressional charts for the different exercises/ lifts would be useful for them to keep track of their progress. From what I understand, the trainer/ coach has to do a screenshot and share it to them, or send it as a PDF. This can be time-consuming especially if you have many clients under your belt. I feel that having the progressional charts for both parties would help to increase the efficiency of the coaching.

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  5. Link YouTube videos to video workouts

    Rather than importing a video when creating a video workout, provide the ability to link to an existing video YouTube. If copyright or unacceptable material is a concern, allow integration to our own YouTube channel and limit linking to videos to that channel.

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  6. To be able to reflect on everything a client has done over 7 days

    To get a 7 day report on their habits/nutrition averages/training outputs /bodyweight readings as a report (or even just to be able to do it)

    This will help give weekly feedback in videos / calls for example

    Similar to what you can see monthly but to be able to do it weekly would be very powerful

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  7. hide client last name in group for privacy.

    Be able to hide or not require a client to enter in their last name

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  8. Show active or in-progress workouts on trainer dashboard for easy navigation.

    Similar to the feed of completed workouts, it would be nice to have all open or in-progress workouts displayed on the trainer dashboard.

    For example in the Recent Activity feed, "Jane Smith started Workout A at 11:00am"

    Right now, you have to hunt the client down and click through their profile to get the open workout. This would be extra convenient for those that work with multiple clients at a time in a studio setting.

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  9. Docusign like feature!

    I would love to see either a docusign integration for when you add a new client or a feature which allows you to select where you would like a client to sign & what to fill out much like docusign for sending online training agreement forms.

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  10. Ability to push back scheduled items in the calendar

    If a client is sick for the next 2 weeks, push their scheduled items back 2 weeks.

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  11. Fix the order of exercises in Review by Workout.

    The order of exercises displayed on the report is completely random.

    We put exercises in order for a reason and it would be really nice to see the report displaying the exercises in that same order.

    If we add progression to Exercise A, I want to see how it affects Exercise B. Right now, everything's scattered so it's hard to decode what is affecting what.

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  12. Re-Phase

    Maybe there is already a way to do this but if you are programing in phases there should be an option for you to re-phase someone who missed to many workouts. once you move to the next phase you can't use workouts from the last which should be allowed

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  13. Show preview of entire workout on hover

    Right now, we show a list of exercise names. It would be great to show the entire workout structure in the tooltip.

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  14. Remove name of photo files when sending messages in groups

    When sending an image I find it unnecessary to have the file name showing. Mainly as the file name of for my own reference

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  15. 32 votes

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  16. Add Reps in Reserve (RIR) after every set

    It would be useful to understand how the clients find each exercise / set rather than the workout as a whole. I find the overall rating isn’t a true reflection.

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  17. manage order of workouts in the same day

    Being able to drag a workout on the calendar to modify the workouts order in the same day

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  18. Notification of photo uploads

    It would be super helpful if you got notifications on the app to let you know when clients upload there information like measurements& pics

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  19. Request clients that regularly use the app to add a review on the App Store

    Clients only add a review when they want to complain about something. Make it like the other apps where if a user frequently uses the app, send them to the App Store to rate the app.

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  20. Bulk email clients from the app

    Bulk Email to clients

    It would be great to be able to send emails in bulk to clients if we are sending out a weekly newsletter something similar.

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