Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
5279 results found
Adding an auto percentage max rep calculator based on 1RM
I have a suggestion that could potentially help out a Lot of you.
Adding a PR tracker/calculator to the app. If the client hits a 3RM of
squat for 205, then that could be added to the clients personal record
tracker. The calculator part would take the 3RM, and see what percentage
that is of the 1RM, and state the estimated 1RM. so lets say the clients
1RM is calculated as 220, then when the trainer says to do 8 reps to fail
on 8th rep, the client can see that they should be doing around 175lbs.
Another benefit of…402 votes -
Rate your workout feature
A rate your workout feature would be beneficial. I have my clients rate their workout in the notes section on a scale of 1 being easy and 10 being hard. That way I can adjust when I design their next week/plan. An easy star rating after they finish would be nice.
6 votes -
6 votes
Build workouts in Phases
It'd be nice to build a workout in a Phase, with x amount of weeks, and x amount of workouts. For example, Phase 1 is 4 weeks long with 5 days/week. This would allow us to build the whole phase on the same screen and keeping them together. Rather I have to name each workout Phase 1 day 1, Phase 1 Day 2.
7 votes -
MyFitnessPal Micronutrients Tracking
Provide the micronutrients tracking information from MyFitnessPal within Trainerize.
8 votes -
Auto populate the calendar
Creat a one week template and then auto populate to the rest of the month. Also, if the plan gets extended, there should be an option to auto populate the calendar, instead of having to go in and schedule each workout.
5 votes -
In the messenger portion of the app can we please just press "enter" rather than "option + enter" to create a new paragraph. This is much m
In the messenger portion of the app can we please just press "enter" rather than "option + enter" to create a new paragraph. This is much more logical and will prevent send multiple messages and confusing out clients. Press option + enter just feels unnecessary. Thank you.
7 votes -
Photo reminder / tag
Hi! I always struggling to find out which clients does not uploaded photos yet. Would be great to see on overview who I need to ask to upload progress photos.
Many thanks!
4 votes -
Substituting Exercises
It's great to be able to substitute an exercise. I would like the App to allow me to substitute an exercise for just one round instead of all rounds of that exercise. In case, they do the first round with the original exercise and then switch it out later.
32 votes -
Seperate Weight tracking from body measurement tracking
Do not make tracking scale weight mandatory for check ins. It's very annoying to have to write in a scale weight # when I have a client track stats as I have many clients NOT tracking scale weight for many reasons.
One of the members of your team said that you force people to write in scale weight bc it helps Trainerize determine body fat %, but scale weight does not tell you really anything about body fat %.
24 votes -
Tabata timer
parts of my cilents workouts are tabasta based.
would be great if the video of the exercise was on the top of the screen while the timer was at the bottom so all the cilent has to do is press go and it will work as pre programed by me
6 votes -
Logging resistance exercise Bands, using their Color or Type
When training with Exercise bands, we need the ability to log them.
We need to be able to log them, by the 2 main indicators used with bands, which are: COLOR (such as Red, Green, Black, Purple, etc) and Light/Medium/Heavy/XtraHeavy
235 votes -
Have one space where we can see all the notes a client has input.
I can only see a note from a client in the daily email or if I click on that specific workout they checked in for/tracked. Many of my clients leave me detailed notes after each workout and it would be helpful to see them all in one space for each client so that I can review them all at once before writing their next program.
9 votes -
Allow order of exercises to be changed mid workout.
Ever try sticking to your training plan in a busy gym? Rarely are you able to get through a workout exactly as planned. I'd like the ability to change order of exercises mid workout to maximize my client's time with me.
7 votes -
Progression model selection per excercise.
It would be nice if I could categorize my excercise. So that I know per excercise what kind of progression I can submit.
For example:
Squat 3x12 (Progression model 2)
Overhead press 3x16 (progression model 1)This could be custom, so I can choose whatever name I would like.
For people working with Bayesian Bodybuilding it would be very nice.
4 votes -
I would like to have an easier way to delete items off of calendar
Recently a client of mine injured her wrist outside of the gym, and of course needed her program adjusted. Well, I had to go to every single item that was scheduled and delete them individually, instead of being able to check a box next to items and delete multiple items at once.
7 votes -
Add a Nutritionist Account Feature
Add the ability to create a Nutritionist account.
The Nutritionist would have limited access to accounts or client information, only allowing them access to nutritional info and meal plans.
41 votes -
Have Estimated 1RM viewable in the progress graph
Tracking estimated 1rm is one of the best ways to see strength progress for a given exercise
15 votes -
Include the ability to work on multiple client profiles instead of having to switch in between them
Include the ability to work on multiple client profiles instead of having to switch in between them
35 votes -
Allow trainers to have multiple locations; maybe 2 or 3?
After moving, some trainers may still have a connection with their previous location and want to be available for that area.
5 votes
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