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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5274 results found

  1. add scaling to workout templates

    I like how I can create a workout template and use it for several clients, but once I add that workout to their calendar, I can't swap individual exercises for substitution exercises or add scaling options for clients with bad knees, shoulders, etc...

    For this, the only option I see is to add a whole new template just for one client rather than have them follow a similar routine where I can delete and exchange "weighted dips" for "machine assisted dips", for example, while they recover from a work-related injury.

    If I get to the point where I have 50-60…

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  2. Add in Plan to Eat for meal planning

    I use Plan to Eat for meal planning with my clients. It would be great to be able to integrate that here for them to track those meals.

    Thank you!

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  3. Add trainer info/management to mobile app

    Add trainer management to mobile app. All I can see is my clients.

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  4. Allow filtering on exercises without video in custom exercise library

    We used to be able to filter on exercises without video. This was very helpful when I added exercises for which I needed to upload movies later. I filtered them and printed out a list. Now, I have to go through all my custom exercises and select them manually. I need a easy, good overview to help me build my own exercise database. Please bring back this feature.

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  5. Sort workout order calendar

    Ability to order the workouts within a training day. It always seems to put "cardio" workouts after every other workout, and there are times when I'd like to specify the order

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  6. Display Calories Out from the FitBit App

    I use My Fitness Pal and FitBit with all of my clients and love how the apps all now connect together. It would be great if the Trainerize App took the calories out over from the FitBit app as well as the resting HR per day, as this would allow me to monitor calories in (MFP) and calories out (FitBit) so I can monitor their deficit for weight loss.

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  7. CrossFit Style AMRAP workout - Ability to put AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) as a value when adding number of sets.

    Currently when putting in a value for the number of sets for the exercise it is not possible to put anything other than a number.
    It would be great to have the ability to put in AMRAP if the exercise is to be completed for As Many Rounds As Possible in a set amount of time.

    For Example:

    AMRAP in 5 minutes
    Box Jumps AMRAP x 10 Reps
    Pushups AMRAP x 10 Reps

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  8. Edit Progression

    It would be extremely helpful for the [edit progression] feature to allow us the ability to edit tracked workouts with ACTUAL numbers rather than the templated TARGET numbers.

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  9. infographic

    Infographic or animation marketing video explaining how online personal training works from a client perspective that we can use on our websites to help increase conversion rates. A lot of prospects don't really grasp the concept of online personal training so a captivating video animation will help clear up the message to drive sales.


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  10. Record their weight in lbs but their training loads in kg

    My clients get weighed in lbs but the weights we use are in kg.

    There is only one setting fit the whole platform. If should be two options to accommodate the above

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  11. Zapier action to extend a training plan

    Would be cool to be able to extend a training plan with a Zap.

    Using a subscription payment solution that can send info if next month is paid, cancelled, etc.

    If paid: extend training plan by X weeks.
    If cancelled/no payment: deactivate client

    This is obviously for already set up clients that already have an active training plan in place.

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  12. Introduce SMS reminders

    Instead of just an email having the ability to have an SMS sent to your client to remind them of having to complete their workout today, weigh in, measurements, before after would be SUPER!!!! (Also allowing us to switch of email if sms notifications are selected would be great)

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  13. 9 votes

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  14. Built in bodyfat calculator from circumference measurments

    Most clients do not have access/ability to measure bf. Electrical impedence devices are questionable and vary greatly based on many factors. Please allow the system to generate bodyfat based on entered circumference measurements. There are many formulas available. I have inserted the US Military and the even newer Ace (American Council on Exercise) formula below:
    For men, use the following formula: % body fat = 86.010 x log10(abdomen - neck) - 70.041 x log10(height) + 36.76 [8]
    For women, use the following formula: % body fat = 163.205 x log10(waist + hip - neck) - 97.684 x log10(height) -…

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  15. This app is the basis of my business and I would LOVE if you could send out daily emails including info about CALORIES and MACROS as well

    This app is the basis of my business and I would LOVE if you could send out daily emails including info about CALORIES and MACROS as well, on top of the daily workout check in emails. It would be a game changer!

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  16. Better overview for "Edit progression" for easier programming and periodization

    If you have multiple different workouts with the same exercise in it, it would be easier to see them all at once in "Edit progression" calendar/view

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  17. Fitness test

    I would like a to add a fitness assessment or test, to be able to be inserted in their calendar monthly or 3 months, to give the client a strength progression.

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  18. Zapier zap to export client logs (weights, reps, calories/macros, assessment data, etc)

    Would be great to have a Zapier trigger that will push client training/nutrition/assessment data to other zaps like google spreadsheets, MySQL, etc.

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  19. Add more measurements for female clients such as midway, bust, etc.

    Add more women friendly measurement options. I train a lot of females and we take measurements at not only true waist but also midway. And also we measure bust and chest.

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  20. If you change an exercise in the master template (i.e update a video) you can choose to apply the changes to some or all clients templates

    If you change an exercise in the master template (i.e update a video or alter the technique details) you can choose to apply the changes to some of the clients that you select or all clients templates that exist within the there workouts or training sessions

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