CrossFit Style AMRAP workout - Ability to put AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) as a value when adding number of sets.
Currently when putting in a value for the number of sets for the exercise it is not possible to put anything other than a number.
It would be great to have the ability to put in AMRAP if the exercise is to be completed for As Many Rounds As Possible in a set amount of time.
For Example:
AMRAP in 5 minutes
Box Jumps AMRAP x 10 Reps
Pushups AMRAP x 10 Reps

Christine Imperato commented
Please add the EMOM and AMRAP and FOR TIME features! It's way too confusing to try and get the point across without this.
Frankie Marston commented
Please add this feature!
Poppy Skudder commented
This is the only frustrating thing about the system.
Please add an AMRAP, and EMOM feature!
Rachel Lee commented
Please add this feature!
Dominik Kaleniak commented
Adding an option "for time" when programming a circuit. This would allow to program circuits of "max reps in X amount of time". Then client then could enter how many rounds and reps he was able to do in the given time cap. For now we are limited to programming a set amount of rounds in circuits.
Talea McGuffie commented
Just wondering if there is any more development on this?
Daryl Toogood commented
Please add all Crossfit style MetCon session types
For TimeAlso allow a Cash in and Cash Out
Vanessa Stolarski commented
Is this on the docket anytime soon? It's absurd it's not yet been added.
Dave Aisenstat commented
Rachel commented
Please add this!
Peter Györffy commented
Any updates on this?
Andrew Hoffart commented
Ability to creat and tracked timed workouts (I.E 4 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 pushups, 15 squats for time )
As many rounds a possible of a circuit in 20m
Etc. -
Tui Van Renterghem commented
Trainerize team! Is this feature going to be added at all?? People have been asking for this for over 5 years! PLEASE ADD AMRAP's and EMOM's! Very clumsy to program any functional/crossfit style workouts currently
Peter Crudge commented
Please add AMRAP feature
Nadia Racz commented
Please add AMRAPS and EMOMS! :D
Matthew Davison commented
YES - it is time to catch up to the competition !!!
Jupe Bornmann commented
This appears to have been requested 5 years ago. can we get this Added ASAP?
Lillie Bailey commented
This would be really great! Considering moving over to True Coach just for AMRAP & EMOM as most of my workouts contain them. Would be great to have them on Trainerize so I can stay!
Anonymous commented
The interface doesn’t really have a good way to allow programming “for time” workouts, or workouts where a client would do a circuit for “max rounds in ____ time”.
Gabriel Ribeiro commented
Can we have a timer like for a whole workout and a AMRAP for a specific timer pre determined.