Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
1142 results found
I’d like to carry over weight and reps from previous workout.
I have to leave my current workout and go back to previous workout to remember weight or reps of what I did and then when I come back to current all data is deleted. It’s frustrating
12 votes -
Save your favourite workouts
Be able to “favourite” workouts. I use this for mobility exercises so having a place to store the best ones would be great!
13 votes -
Sync with Garman
Would like to see sync with Garman watch.
6 votes -
A way to enter in your reps during rests
Open rep tab during workouts so people don't have to remember 20 numbers while doing a set
2 votes -
add Ability to write notes into the programme that follow through and show up next time on that exercise.
Add a space for notes at the bottom of each exercise
17 votes -
Disable the need to enter reps for “timed” exercises
When I start a round of certain exercises, everything goes on a timer. I’ll keep doing that exercise til the timer stops then go onto the next one. Let’s say I do 4 rounds, hit “complete”, then I’m prompted to enter number of reps. There’s no way I’m going to remember how many reps I did of a certain exercise during the timed workout over the course of 30 minutes. It’s tedious and takes away from the exercise if I have to pause and fill it out. Can this function be taken away?
3 votes -
choose reps or timed
Flexibility to choose between reps for an exercise or time range, e. g. for pushups be able to ask for either 15 reps or ask do as many reps as you can in 30 s. Be able to store best numbers for both
5 votes -
To be able to download your stats
I really would love to be able to see all my personal bests, and keep them for myself. To have like an overall view of my progress, not only when I'm doing a workout
7 votes -
Have the time counter repeat automatically for each circuit
When you initially go through a workout it’ll keep the time for you (I.e.. for one circuit at 40secs for each workout) it would be nice for it to automatically keep the time going for each circuit so you don’t have to keep stopping to start the timer for each different set/workout/rep. It can all be a fluid workout during each circuit.
2 votes -
Auto fill the reps and weights after inputting the first set
Auto fill the reps and weights after inputting the first set. When you have 6 sets where you’re using the same weight, inputting the same thing multiple times gets cumbersome.
16 votes -
Show Exercise demonstrationvideo, if available, during rest periods.
Instead of simply having a countdown during rest periods. I am suggesting that the demonstration video of them exercise next up should be played. This would assist exercisers so that if they are not very familiar with the exercise, or the name it is being called, they can watch it during rest period
5 votes -
Stats customization to the workouts
Allowed to select the stats we want to save. Stats sometimes don’t have anything (generic) to do with the workout we are doing.
3 votes -
Showcase calories burned
When the Apple Watch is synced to the iOS app, it should show the calories burned or, even better, show the type of workout and how much active calories were burned and the have another widget with the total Calories burned that day.
21 votes -
Let the demonstration video play the same time as the timer
Not sure if it’s just me but I can’t play the video and the timer at the same time. So the timer pauses each time I play each exercise demo.
4 votes -
Being able to make notes on each exercise in your program as you go.
Often during a workout I would like to make notes on the exercise just done. Eg increase or decrease weight next time. You can't make notes till the end of the of the work out. Unless I am missing something.
6 votes -
Watch videos/movies while running and planking
I would love to be able to watch a movie, video or listen to my music while running or planking. This is a huge disadvantage in that I want to take my mind off of constantly looking at the clock. The app can play in the background for the times while I’m entertained during a workout. Each time o click off the screen after I hit start the app is paused. This is accomplished with the couch to 5k app and it’s very helpful.
4 votes -
Allow pre-planning of workout so I don’t waste time at the gym
Allow pre-planning of workout so that I don’t waste time at the gym and don’t hold up equipment for other users.
10 votes -
2 votes
Show milestone rockets
I suggest you show milestone rockets for workouts achieved instead of a high five for increased reps/weight lifted. Many find the rockets far more motivating.
2 votes -
More options
I only have the option to do a workout every second day, would like to be able to add workouts, and change days to when l am exercising
2 votes
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