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Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1137 results found

  1. Flights of stairs or vertical distance for stairclimber

    Normally for running or walking you track distance, calories, incline etc. but it needs to be more specific per exercise. For example, stair master. Should be number of flights vs distance and level vs incline.

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  2. 88 votes

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  3. Allow users to change program start dates!

    Allow users the option to chose which program they want to use (if they already purchased it) as well as change their start dates if they need to modify it

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  4. Allow to sync to

    Sync to Apple Watch and give at home workout alternative options. Not all are able to get to the gym everyday.

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  5. Tab for one rep max and best lifts

    You have to be in a workout to see one rep max and best lifts for an exercise. I would like a tab to see these without actually being in a workout.

    Love to track my 3RM, 5RM and 10RMs for deadlifts, snatches etc.

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  6. Be able to view my old plans from trainer and not just the current one

    Be able to view my old trainer plans and not just the current one

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  7. 6 votes

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  8. sink with very fit pro tracker

    I have a tracker watch that I'm not able to sink with your program

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  9. Stop timing out on apple

    App always times out on Apple drives me nuts I have to go back in and wait for it to load data!

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  10. Auto populate weight and reps from last workout

    It’d be awesome if when starting a exercise, that the weight and reps be auto populated from the last time that exercise was done. Especially when doing a routine where you’re doing the same exercises every week. Instead of having to put it in every time.

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  11. Add the 15 second fast forward button on ALL videos not just some.

    Sometimes you just need a quick reminder on how to do an exercise and some of the videos have the 15 sec fast forward button & some don’t. It’s annoying to have to watch the whole intro when you just need to quickly view the exercise & cant fast forward.

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  12. Screenshot of video

    Trainer can save snap from video so that instead of watching a say 5minute video you can see the main excercises

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  13. Allow resistance band colours / descriptions to be chosen instead of weight

    There’s no way to record the type of resistance band used during an exercise - would like to record which band used so you can track improvement through the resistance bands.

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  14. Video default photo is the peak pose of the exercise

    In addition to descriptions for each video have the video default image be the peak pose in the exercise. This would be especially helpful if you have already done this exercise but just need a reminder of what it looks like but don’t want to have to watch the entire 30 second video.

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  15. Add a stop watch to workouts

    Add stop watch in workout section for rest timing

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  16. Provide “off day” exercises

    I want to be able to fill in what I do on off days, whether that be running, yoga, dancing, etc.

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  17. Drag and drop exercises

    Ability to make exercise search easier. Separate by upper/lower/core and search should not be specific to name of stored exercises. Drag across to training plan and have multi-select option. Highlight duplicated exercises. I've added the same exercise twice as it's difficult to see the whole plan while creating it. Edit order of exercises on the training plan anytime, not just when saving them.

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  18. Show monthly view

    Give users the ability to change the calendar from day to day view to month view like a standard calendar.

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  19. Time clock / Stop watch

    Switch stop watch from descending to ascending order. That way you don't have to subtract from sixty.

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  20. Add gym classes that are specific to our gym - ex Les Mills, Body Pump, Alloy

    I attend a lot of classes in my gym such as Cross Training or Body Pump. I burn a lot of calories but unfortunately I cannot show my real result and have to use a default workout which is nowhere near from being equivalent. LesMills classes are used all around the world, I think it would be very much appreciated.

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