Connect to Garmin
Connect to Garmin products

Hi everyone, thank you all for your votes. The ability to connect Garmin has been completed and now you can connect your Garmin with the app. Here is the help article on how to connect it.
Lorann Brown commented
Please do add this option
Sara Marin commented
More app connections like Nike or strava or connecting to Apple Watch so we can really keep track of our workouts.
Paul Elston commented
Would really love the ability to track cardio via Garmin connect or Strava since Garmin syncs with this.
Anonymous commented
The ability to sync with Polar Flow
Anonymous commented
Yes! It’s nice to sync heart rate with Fitbit, but why not activity?
Polar Flow app integration would be amazing!!
Anonymous commented
The app should allow to synchronize with the most common tracking tools for athletes (Strava, Garmin Connect, Training Peaks)
Anonymous commented
Add communication between samsung health and Garmin.
Chris Johnson commented
When logging fitbit activities they should sync to the app
Brittany commented
Have it ba able to sync with more tracking devices like Garmin.
Anonymous commented
When we + to add workout and hit cardio—there are basic exercises and then general. Add additional famous workouts and do a calorie range based on the intensity of our workouts.
Anonymous commented
The ability to sync to garmin connect app and lose it app.
Mahaley commented
I wear my Garmin everyday but since I can't sync it with the app my trainer doesn't see how much I walk. Also, I know with Garmin you can challenge people and if my trainer could set a challenge that would be great.
Rose R. commented
Garmin provides far more data than Fitbit. It should definitely be an option. Thank you.
Rose R. commented
Yes, please allow syncing with Garmin and/or Strava.
Anonymous commented
Add SHealth support as well
Eduard de Vries commented
Currently the app shows 9 minute 44 seconds per mile as 9.75 min/mile.
Change display into 9min.45 seconds per mile like Garmin and others.Thanks,
Liz commented
I love it if my samsung gear fit 2 can be integrated into the app
Anonymous commented
Add swimming as a cardio option.
Anonymous commented
It would be great to have the ability to sync the garmin connect app. Based on the garmin accessory you have, you may also be able to measure heart rates :)