Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
290 results found
Shift calendar
Input shift working Into the calendar and be able to have it repeat. I.e my shifts repeat every 5 weeks on this rota. Days & nights.
2 votes -
Don't count records for zero reps
Sometimes I make unsuccessful attempts and record 0 x weight so I'll have a target for the next session. Ideally it wouldn't count the weight as a PR in that case.
1 vote -
Shadow of your last photo when taking new ones
It is nice to have a shadow of your last photo that is up when taking a new photo-because any difference in distance can skew the way things look. I would like to see the differences without thinking it’s the way I took a photo/distance.
1 vote -
Update the calendar to show appointments/sessions
I really wish that the calendar had a way to update whenever you had an upcoming training session, or an appointment. Its useless at the current state!
2 votes -
Add personal record without having to do that in a workout. Best to select personal record, then select exercise/lift, then add weight /rep
Add personal record without having to do that in a workout. Best to select personal record, then select exercise/lift, then add weight/rep/s.
1 vote -
Every time the app reloads when opened and it takes long time to load
Every time the app reloads when opened and it takes long time to load
21 votes -
1 vote
Journal prompts on demand
Have on demand journal prompts that can be added to your daily to do list
3 votes -
Water should be able to be tracked from myfitness pal.
Water should be able to be tracked
1 vote -
Metric system
Let the people use metric system on the app.
1 vote -
Fix the sync with Withings scale so it works
There is settings to turn this on but it doesn’t work!
I purchased a Withings scale only to be disappointed that it doesn’t sync
3 votes -
Old note category
go back and see all the notes you have made on previous workouts.Helps you know what to focus on the next go around.
3 votes -
Optimize Calendar Functions
Kind of falls under appointments as well but recommend ability to schedule or at least list schedules calls with Coach on the todo list portion of the calendar this way it’s right there alongside the daily weigh in and propitious for that day. Believe this would alleviate the back and forth for the client and the coach on scheduling those video call syncs
1 vote -
Fix bugs
Fix bug on android that makes app freeze when using aitomatic keyboard.
2 votes -
How about getting the app to actually update when my trainer loads new workouts?
Trainer has to reach out to Trainerize support every time he updates my workouts. How bout fixing that before any new features or fancy logo changes?
1 vote -
Less buttons to enter a Body weight
Currently to add a body weight you click add, select date, then press select. What’s the need of the select after a date is clicked?. Unnecessary
2 votes -
Scroll up and down to show more instead of tap
Streamline by allowing scrolling up and down to view multiple workouts instead of needing to tap “Show more” in the Workouts section. Too many taps required for basic actions in general is a poor user experience.
3 votes -
TURN OFF TIMER SOUND. The audio volume does not work to turn it off.
The audio volume does not work to turn off the timer sound. Whenever ur goes off it turns my Spotify music all the way down and I have to quit the app.
5 votes -
App freezes up and don’t always have time to wait for it to reset.
As I try to post my comment, it is frozen.
5 votes -
Privacy selections
Ability to capture client preferences for using data like photos, quotes, other information. For example, using client photos in trainer's social media
1 vote
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