Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
5558 results found
Tightening lower abdamon stomach
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Have the timer vibrate or make a very audible beep when it is done. Right now I have to use another timer to do intervals.
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More like an issue
More like an issue, the app resets sometimes when you go out of it mid workout so you have to go back in and edit rather than being able to just continue tracking it.
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Make trainers able to be clients as well on the same log in info.
I can either log in as myself the client OR myself the trainer. I'd like to be able to only have one log in and view my self both ways.
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Automatically make he personal updates weight waist etc date for the current date when I press edit.
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Buggy behaviour with cyanogen android OnePlus two.
Unable to enter the weights or reps as the keyboard keeps cluttering
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Fix the keyboard upon entry into a field
what is up with this version of the app!? I can't enter anything because the keyboard jumps between numbers and letters every time I give focus to a field.
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Virtual image
Create s virtual image of how you would look at various points along the way to achieving your set goals as a visual motivation that you can match.
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- Don't see your idea?