Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
290 results found
Gym check in history
I think there should be a history of all the dates and times you’ve checked in to the gym, also if you had a guest or not would be good, but mainly the check in history. I think people, including myself would like to know things like how many times we’ve worked out over a certain period, and to be able to retrace my agenda for a previous day.
8 votes -
Class Description
Ability to see the full description of whatever class you’re signing up for.
3 votes -
Make the apps feel more responsive
Make the apps feel more native. They are currently super unresponsive.
For example, when tapping a new text field there is always a 1-2 second lag which feels like an eternity. Most likely due to whatever multiplatform framework you're using.
6 votes -
Eliminate white text on light button, or dark text on dark buttons
White / orange/yellow is too hard to read. Or use black for the text.
35 votes -
67 votes
Toggle between 2 trainers I subscribed to
I have daily workouts with 1 trainer as well as several I use with another who also provides nutritional information. (As a dietician). I always have to log out and log back into the other
65 votes -
Create a dark / black mode for the app
How about coming up with a dark / black mode for the app? That might help users save their battery as well.
307 votes -
When the trainer sets a timed exercise automatically have a timer for that time so your circuit flows better and you don't have to stop
When the trainer sets a timed exercise automatically have a timer for that time so your circuit flows better and you don't have to stop
5,544 votes -
show pb's rather than last workout numbers next to each set/exercise
If you have a bad day or are sick or can only do half a work out, you lose your benchmarks for next time. It would be better to have your personal best for that set of that exercise down instead of the most recent workout numbers
563 votes -
579 votes
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