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Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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336 results found

  1. Fix diary sync from MyFitnessPal

    Please fix the diary syncing from mfp as I have to continuously manually sync this every time I add anything.

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  2. Have a sync button on dashboard

    Would be nice to have sync button on dashboard instead of having to go look for it and click multiple times.

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    Allow app to connect to Huawei GT3 smart watch

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  4. Turn off/on timer chimer

    When I play music through Apple Music or listen to Apple Podcasts, and start the “rest” timer, once the timer is up, it makes the LOUDEST chime and lowers the volume on my music or podcast. I don’t take advantage of the rest timer any more because when I have my music set louder, it dings so loud in my ear it scares the **** out of me.
    Not only does it chime loudly, but then it distorts the sound and the music or podcast can’t be turned up past whatever levels the App allows after the chime.
    So you…

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  5. Issue: Bodyweight data discrepancies between Trainerize and Apple Health

    My body weight readings from a Renpho scale would show 143.6lbs but by the time it syncs to Apple Health and back to Trainerize, Trainerize would show 143.22lbs. I’m not sure if this is a rounding issue or if this is intentional but it would be great if Trainerize could pull accurate body weight data from Apple Health so we don’t see such a discrepancy. Seeing discrepancies like this doesn’t help to inspire user confidence to trust the app.

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  6. Read weight/body fat data

    Allow lifetime app to read body weight or body fat data from Arboleaf or at least the apple health app.

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  7. Search exercise by body section, or legs, arms, abs

    Would be great to be able to search exercises via body part, ie legs, arms, abs. Sometimes you’re trying to substitute and find and exercise and so many exercises come up you just can’t go through it all, especially if you’re quickly trying to substitute something during a workout.

    Also, if something is set up as a superset, when I substitute one exercises it copy’s across the whole superset, sometimes this isn’t useful.

    Activity tracking from my Fitbit is really pretty average, or just comes
    In as general, doesn’t even show any stats or what exercise I was doing, ie.…

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  8. Sync with Life Fitness and other fitness equipment

    It would be nice to seamlessly sync with equipment such as Life Fitness and have the incline, resistance, distance put into the app.

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  9. 3 votes

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  10. Garmin MTB activities as cycling


    While trainer and road cycling workouts from Garmin are imported as cycling workouts, the MTB rides are considered “General” workout. Could you please fix this and make them cycling activities as well?

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  11. Sync with Lumen

    Please sync with Lumen for food intake. It's easier to log my food in one place.

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  12. Create a syncing capability with SlimPal for body measurements

    Create a sync capability with SlimPal app, particularly for importing body measurements.

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  13. Add to Cart

    Would love to have an “add to cart” click that allows me to add shakes and supplements that meet the suggested criteria. Would save me time. The supplement videos are very motivating and I want to incorporate but there’s not an easy way to find supplements that match the criteria.

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  14. Link to WW body scale

    Sync data between WW scale app and Trainerize app.

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  15. Beachbody on Demand connect

    Since the app already connects to Apple Health which is already connected to BOD, please connect to BOD so that I don’t have to pick a random workout in your app so that my trainer knows I did my workout

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  16. Connectability with Oppo Watch

    Ability to connect to Oppo watch to track steps, workouts etc

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  17. Link with Echelon

    Linking with echelon to track biking, rowing, cardio and other work outs

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  18. Book Body Scans and Personal Training In-App

    Book body scans and personal training in-app

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  19. add the heroband3 smartwatch to the app

    Being able to add a smartwatch to this app. The heroband3.

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  20. Provide a video to show you the exercises that your trainer gives you.

    I would like a video tutorial of each of the exercises that my trainer recommends so I can do them properly. I cannot remember some of the them after just doing them for one session.

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