Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
600 results found
Accommodate overnight schedule
I work overnights and my dinner is in the early mornings, sometimes as late/early as 7am. But the meal tracker assumes that my schedule starts over at midnight. But since meal tracking reflects my daily habits during my waking hours, there should be a way to accommodate for overnight schedules. In other words, my calorie and burn tracker should not reset at midnight, but when my Apple watch detects I go to sleep. So your day should be tied to you sleep schedule, not a standard day. And there should be a way to manually set this as sometimes one…
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5 votes
Include base stats for vegetables in database
Searching vegetables to add into your meal appears to only bring up side dishes from restaurants.
I’ve had to custom add just cooked vegetables at home which seems like way too much work for common ingredients.
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A wider variety of items carrying big chain grocery store brands i.e. wegmans, Whole Foods, shop rite. Having more raw options for produce
Enhancing search variety
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Adding same food multiple times instead of grouping
I want to be able to add the same food multiple times under each meal; not have to go in, edit and just do math on servings. If I have several snacks per day, say bananas, I want to be able to log three separate bananas, not one logged banana x 3.
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4 votes
Put both decimal AND fractional input as an entry option
When entering I only have option of decimal entry and that’s fine if using regular measurements, but if opposite of “.” you added “/“ that would enable either or. MyFitnessPal only does fractional which is annoying so I’m glad you added decimal
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Better edits/details
It would be nice to "edit" meals by being able to delete individual items instead of the entire meal when something has been entered in by accident.
Under "details" for meal it would be nice to see food details such as macos, calories, etc. Versus just the listed foods for that meal.
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Log Canadian foods
Lots of the brands are American and also there’s no fresh fish or meat from animals it’s all name brands
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8 votes
Increase character count
For intuitive eaters to have more characters to make notes of hunger cues, satiety, emotions, etc
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Meal check off like the work out check off
Add the ability to plan times of meals on app so we can check them off as we go through the day.
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An interactive meal plan where each food added can be edited like in MyFitnessPal
If the meal plan set is interactive, it would be easy for coaches to edit it for each week’s adjustments. Also, it would be helpful if I had to change one meal. I can edit it in the app and see the consequences in macros based on my adjusting
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Add decimals on IOS
App isn’t allowing the entry of less than 1 g or portions of a gram. In iOS, the decimal function is not available.
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Add Veggie Delicatessen vegan products
Missing this popular brand
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5 votes
Edit generic picture for meal plan
For the meal plan. Be able to edit the generic picture provided when you scan so you can have a picture of the actual item.
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Able to scan in/track supplements you take and add to daily goals so you don’t miss any
Able to scan the barcode of supplement you take and add to daily goals so you can track when you take.
26 votes -
The micronutrients on every supplements you scan is incorrect
Not an idea, but whenever you scan a vitamin, most of the micronutrients are gone or wrong. Feel like this is a huge oversight. You should be able to flag or amend an item with the correct numbers.
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