Add notes next to each exercise in each workout for machine settings
An area to write notes next to every exercise in every season to remember the setting etc and have it carry over to the next workout.

Eshan Patel commented
Please add this!
Eshan Patel commented
Yes we need this on this app!!
H Taylor commented
Yes!!!! Please add this feature
Cecilia Barnes commented
Keep a historical list of comments that I’ve made on each workout, so that I can reference them when I do the workout again. Often I make comments about which machine at my gym I’m using, the color/strength band I’m using, if a weight I used was too heavy or too light, etc etc. and it would be helpful to be able to remember and refer to these things when I do the workout again that way I can be consistent or can adjust accordingly.
Anonymous commented
For each workout would be best. Because i talk to myself since my trainer is there and i would like to look at where my head was at on each workout. Sometimes putting in the songs that really helped me push ******* that machine that doesn’t work on others… Personal notes for me that my trainer can see
Betsy Nooney commented
This is a no-brainer. Surprised the app doesn’t have this available already.
Brian commented
This seems like such a fundamental feature, really hope they get it added soon. Would be helpful to add notes that I can refer to next time.
Lawanda Onwuka commented
This one really is a good idea because I do not want to go to a third party app to track my food when I’m in this app. That’s Inconvenient and that could lose motivation for some people
Melissa V commented
This would be so helpful, especially when I work out at home some days and at a gym the others, the equipment is different and hard to keep track week by week of what weight or resistance I used.
Diana G commented
Came here to say exactly this!
Ex Powanpongkul commented
Oh please yes to this! It would help so much to refer back to notes every week. Right now, I have to take notes in another note app while working out
Anonymous commented
This would be very helpful from the trainer's standpoint to get direct feedback from the client about specific exercises.
Holly commented
Agreed! Would rather have one box per exercise where I can write notes and details of sets/reps/kg’s rather than multiple small boxes per set! It’s too fiddly and complicated to keep up with and easy to lose track of which exercise you were on!
I often have notes I want to take about the way I performed a specific exercise it would be great to be able to see those notes overtime that I took for that exercise
Anonymous commented
Adding this suggestion is what i came to suggest, but I see you guys are way ahead of me. I've found myself needing a reminder as to whether I was able to complete the number of reps with said weight with proper form or if it was heavy enough to cause me struggle. I've added weight to an exercise the next go around that really needed to remain the same and focus on form. Notes would be a well rounded option for multi purpose, but I could suffice with a color tab option on each exercise to show GREEN as "completed easily" cleared to add weight next time and YELLOW for "struggled but completed" use caution in adding weight.
Christopher Thacker commented
If you want Coaches to use this app. This needs to be added
Anonymous commented
I've been using the comment feature to leave notes to myself after each work out but those can be seen by my trainer and i sometimes want to leave my self a personal inspirational note
Cat Phipps commented
Yes, this is huge and one massive advantage TrueCoach has over Trainerize. I use ANOTHER APP so I can leave notes on individual exercises such as “increase weight next session”, “increase tempo”, “feeling strong/weaker today”, “work on form here”, etc. and I feel my clients would benefit from using that kind of feature, too. It’s the only thing that keeps me from using this app in my own training!
Joopa commented
And to remember individual modifications.
Chris commented
This would be great so trainers can know what you’re struggling with/too easy.