Add notes next to each exercise in each workout for machine settings
An area to write notes next to every exercise in every season to remember the setting etc and have it carry over to the next workout.

Ivan commented
this is valid for Android app too
Nichole Bronson commented
Yes!!! This!!!! And I like the “perceived effort” comment too!
Gregory May commented
Have a notes section per exercise that you can refer back to. Not just reps and weight
Anonymous commented
Apple too, please.
Casey commented
Have a notes section in the workouts or beside each individual workout to take notes on what or how you did that workout, etc.
Em Dupree commented
Very excited about this one! This app will be gold with it.
Anonymous commented
Yes please do this for all phones androids AND iPhones pleeeeeeeease!!!!!
Adam Schlchting commented
This is a must have feature. I’ve voted for this in the past and it’s yet to be added. Is this something that’s going to happen? I’ve had this ability in past fitness apps and it’s really helps you achieve fitness goals. For now I’m using the app and taking notes on paper. Having this feature would eliminate the multiple tracking
Anonymous commented
Ability to add notes next to each exercise for you and your trainer to see. This way you can explain if it was done on cables, weight machine, dumbbells or if you needed to modify and you can remember the next time you do that exercise.
Anonymous commented
Ability to take notes next to each exercise to say if you modified, your strength, easy or hard, an injury etc. for iPhone
Sara commented
Yep! Thought of this yesterday
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Add notes to specific exercises/sets directly under them and have it carry over to next workout with ability to add to the note.
Anonymous commented
You would be able to add comments to each exercise and be able to see them during your next session as well as the amount of reps and weights
Anonymous commented
See note history for specific exercises
Mitch commented
And include settings for bench, machine, etc.
Anonymous commented
Be able to take notes on each exercise if wanted
Anonymous commented
I should be able to leave notes against each exercise or plan so my trainer can read them
James commented
If the trainer plans out a regular set of exercises within a plan, the notes a user leaves should remain on recurring exercise sets within that plan.
Anonymous commented
And to be able to see your notes if needed the next time you do that exercise, to see if you need to make any adjustments