Provide alternate exercises when searching to substitute exercises
Provide alternative exercise options in cases where specific machines are not available to clients (i.e., my gym does not have a standing calf raise machine so I use a seated machine)
Right now it shows the entire list of exercises. It should only narrow down to the ones that are similar.

Hi everyone,
We're excited to announce that this feature will be coming to Trainerize!
We are currently in the research phase and would love to hear exactly what it is that you want us to build.
Thank you for voting!
Michele commented
Including modifications for knee and shoulder problems as well as obese or older individuals
Jacqui commented
Show similar options not a huge list
Anonymous commented
Add kettle bells or a general weightlifting workout tab
Anonymous commented
When a certain workout that the trainer has lined up isn’t going to work out that day due to injury or lack of resources; when clicking the substitute link, have equivalent exercises listed only, rather than all available exercises.
Anonymous commented
This idea is great.
Anonymous commented
For various reasons, someone may not have the equipment needed. Ex: A band breaks, a friend “borrows” weights, or a machine broke at the gym.
It would be helpful to check a box or click a button stating something like “equipment not available” and the app could suggest alternatives. Ex: no dumbbells, try this band one. No equip at all, here’s a body weight option.
It also can alter the trainer so they can have a conversation to understand the needs and adjust certain exercises to accommodate.
Anonymous commented
Along with this it would be helpful that if you need to sub an exercise because you don't have the specific equipment when you go to sub it would give similar exercises that do the same thing instead of just all the exercises and you have to figure out which one works the same muscles or movement.... also incorporate more resistance exercises
Anonymous commented
It would be easier to substitute workouts if the muscles are grouped into categories. Example, when replacing a back workout exercise it would be easier/faster to replace if I can look at a back exercise list instead of scrolling through all the exercises.
Darryl Mason commented
When adding or substituting an exercise, it’s very difficult to identify which exercises target specific muscles.
It would be great if Muscle Groups and their corresponding exercises could be added to the app.
Anonymous commented
Without having to click start, and type the name of the actual excercise.
Would like to select excercise, and suggested substitute or alternate list be made available to accomplish the same goal. Select one and it replaces the exercise.
Sometimes equipment like cable machines or kettle bell, not available and may not have the expert knowledge or access to someone with the knowledge to provide correct substitution.
If app could help would be nice.
Anonymous commented
Show options for easier or more challenging if necessary.
Anonymous commented
Type the workout you want to substitute and it gives you only the ones that are working out the same muscle group.
Anonymous commented
Instead of scrolling through all the workouts when you have to substitute them incase you dont have the gear. Have options available for the gear you do have e.g. no sled for the sled push when i click on the substitute button workouts pop up that can replace that specific workout not just all the workouts pop up
Lewis commented
I.e. alternative exercises to hit same muscles If your gym doesn’t have the equipment
Jennifer Chalifoux commented
And if you sub an exercise, keep it in your workout for next time. I have subbed an excerise and then next time I do the workout I have to find that excerise again.
Eleanor commented
YASSSS! Took an extra hour today to search and sub 4 exercises today. I’ll have to do that every time depending on where I’m working out. This is very difficult to do if you don’t know the name of the exercise to search and then I have to watch the video to find out if it’s the right one
Anonymous commented
This would be fantastic!!
Anonymous commented
So say the app suggests a burpee and I can’t do one, what alternative exercise can I do in place of that to train the same body part or achieve the same result
Anonymous commented
Remember the exercise I substituted last week so I don’t have to search for it again this week
D commented
If you’ve added an item from search previously, up the relevancy in search. It takes forever to find exercises I’ve used previously.