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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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241 results found

  1. Give badges more increments after 100

    After 100 the increments are only every 100. More often would be nice

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  2. Surveys

    It would be nice to have a way to create different kinds of surveys to send to clients. So like a readiness survey before workouts that when they click on a workout they have to fill out that survey before they get started.

    It would also be nice to have different kinds of surveys beyond that readiness survey.

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  3. Add a workout journal

    Add a journal that keeps track of my workout and day. This would allow me to write notes on how the workout went, what to work on in the future, my progress, what worked, and what didn’t, etc.

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  4. Gratitude or affirmation diary

    Option to journal on the app so a digital private collection of thoughts part of the fitness coaching journey

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  5. 2 votes

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  6. Allow clients to input calorie and weight goals. Subject to a disclaimer if needed!

    I am using Fit for Golf and don't have a trainer monitoring my diet. I know what weight and calorie goals I want but can't see how to enter them

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  7. Mental Health Check

    BetterHelp app, in addition to all its other services like scheduling and so on, also offers a space to “journal” each day, either by writing freehand or answering a randomly generated prompt or just choosing an emoticon. It can be kept confidential to the user or shared and could be beneficial in tracking how exercise affects mood and promoting positive mental health benefits of exercise

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  8. The goals should be automatically calculated by the app and updated as you log workouts

    When goals have been set and you are working towards them or you achieve them, the app should automatically update your goals rather than the current manual process

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  9. Have a space for note taking that would allow you to look back or have a coach review info that may be relevant.

    The ability to jot notes would allow a fitness coach to glimpse additional things going on from injuries to illness. Being able to journal things pertinent to the day would help as we look at spikes and valleys in nutrition and weight etc. Just being able to note that you have the flu, we’re on vacation, attended a celebration, injured your shoulder and substituted excercises for a week would be helpful.

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  10. Ability to reset badges

    Would be great to be able to reset badges. I am back for second time with my group and I would like to start at zero for badges, now its saying Ive already done 150 workouts. Only was my trainers can reset is a new profile which isnt great as I like that old profile had my previous progress pictures, and measurements etc.

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  11. Timer that records how long I do an exercise for with an adjustable chime. So chime say once after 30 seconds twice at 60 and so o

    A timer with adjustable chime. Eg I set the chime to 40 seconds and it chimes once at 30 twice at 60 and so on until I stop it

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  12. daily tip videos like the ones on Facebook as well as a daily challenge

    I would love the videos that I see on reels posted in the app. Exclusive content that is only for paying clients. Also daily challenges like "Try a new fruit"
    "Leave 2 bites of food and see if you're full after waiting a few minutes to finish the last two bites." And then sections where we can comment on the challenge. Even just a daily "Do 50 Push-ups throughout the day." Type challenges.

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  13. Please get rid of the streak thumbs up animation—it is so slow and annoying

    Please get rid of the streak thumbs up animation—it is so slow and annoying

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  14. One click when a goal is complete.

    One click when you complete a goal not 3.

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  15. 3 votes

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  16. Daily / weekly calories in an out combined dashboard

    It would be useful to see calories going in and out each day on a single dashboard, also the same for average weekly in / out.

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  17. Being able to rearrange the tiles on the dash

    On the main page where it has things to do underneath it there are other categories that a coach may use but the user may want to prioritize when they see the tiles

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  18. Pull sleep data from Apple Health

    I have a sleep by numbers bed that uses a SleepIQ app that tracks sleep habits. This data is sent to Apple health. Is there any way trainerize can pull this data into the app from either Apple health or the SleepIQ app? Currently it has to be manually entered into Trainerize.

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  19. App access during cardio

    When I’m doing cardio on the app, I can’t clock out and access other parts of the app like my messages or the home page.

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  20. Health log/ stats eg naps to manage chronic fatigue

    I've got chronic fatigue and am trying to track how exercise and nutrition impact this. It would be nice to log it in the same place and record my fatigue symptoms each day, and the number of naps I need (more than just sleep duration) to see if there is a pattern with certain exercises or calorie deficits or high sugar days etc.

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