Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
1145 results found
Name my own personalised workout
Name and save a personalised freestyle workout
5 votes -
Being able to make notes on each exercise in your program as you go.
Often during a workout I would like to make notes on the exercise just done. Eg increase or decrease weight next time. You can't make notes till the end of the of the work out. Unless I am missing something.
6 votes -
Ability to immediately go to a workout from the past
The ability to pull up a workout from the past
3 votes -
List all Life Time classes as possible workouts
I love going to the gym for an in-person class in place of the designated trainer workout, but they are not all listed as freestyle workout opportunities to track (i.e. UpperRx).
5 votes -
Let music play through exercise demo
When the exercise is being demonstrated my music app stops. If there was talking I would understand, but there isn't. Can it just play the music while it is being demonstrated.
7 votes -
Put 3-7 second test between exercises to allow for position & equipment changes
Need a 3-7 second interval between exercises to swap out different weights/equipment. Have to spend time pausing workout to do so, or lose time during an exercise interval
2 votes -
Enter reps for me based on suggested #
Enter reps for me based on suggested # in my program
10 votes -
Rowing meters needs support for 10,000+ meters
As a user, I want to set and save rowing workouts that exceed 9,999 meters. (Currently only accepts 4 digits left of decimal)
2 votes -
Sync to Edge Fitness Clubs app
This app would be great if it synced to the Edge app to track training sessions and classes!
2 votes -
Categorize the workouts in programs
Arms,, legs, total body, tabata, etc.
3 votes -
Connect to the orange theory app so my workouts sync
I suggest you sync to the orange theory app so my workouts upload
4 votes -
Allow to add own personal supplement workouts (i.e. - chest, back, legs, arms, etc.) in addition to the program
Allow to add own personal supplement workouts (i.e. - chest, back, legs, arms, etc.) in addition to the program
8 votes -
Gör det möjligt att titta på instruktionsvideo medan jag kör ett pass
Jag vill kunna kolla på instruktionsvideor medan jag kör ett pass, inte bara innan/efter.
2 votes -
choose reps or timed
Flexibility to choose between reps for an exercise or time range, e. g. for pushups be able to ask for either 15 reps or ask do as many reps as you can in 30 s. Be able to store best numbers for both
5 votes -
Sync the rest period to smart watch so it alerts you
Link to rest period to smart watch
11 votes -
Ability to save a made up workout to do regularly
Ability to make up your own workout routine and save it so you can do it each week. Be better if you'd share between friends as well
6 votes -
Show Exercise demonstrationvideo, if available, during rest periods.
Instead of simply having a countdown during rest periods. I am suggesting that the demonstration video of them exercise next up should be played. This would assist exercisers so that if they are not very familiar with the exercise, or the name it is being called, they can watch it during rest period
5 votes -
Give a few seconds between exercises to track reps
If you want to track your reps after each exercise, if would be nice o have a few seconds to write them down. This way at the end, you can enter them.
3 votes -
Be able to add classes taken
Be able to add classes taken and have them available in a "library" for future use
3 votes -
Include workouts as pdf in case you have no WLAN
Include workouts as pdf in case you have no WLAN
3 votes
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