View Personal Best Data At Anytime!!!
after you you complete a workout and you get a new PR i love that it shows all the percentages, and volume etc. It would be amazing to go back to view that same PR graphic/animation. sometimes my clients close the app too fast and they don't get to view, this actually causes some emotional damage because they worked so hard to get a PR and they're not able to go back and see it...
also say you hit like 10 Pr's when you try to share it or save the imagine it cuts off, there should be a way to group multiple Pr's or just change the layout maybe have drop down tabs or swipe left and right to view the Pr's, maybe include actual graphs that shows your first PR 2nd 3rd, etc.
This app has so much potential hopefully you guys see this because i have been dealing with this issue for so long now!
Coach TJ