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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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7 results found

  1. Allow clients to add recipes

    Similar to MFP, allow clients to insert their recipes into the in-app tracker.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. You can see how here in this help article.

    Clients can track a meal thought PLUS button, select ingredients or just click photo (if they are on photo tracking), and once that meal is tracked, under three dots they can save it to "My meals". 

    Next time when they want to track that saved meal, under PLUS button, they can see the tab called "My meals" next to camera tab, from where they can track that saved meal with one click. 

    Clients can also access "My meals" library in their three dots menu on the main navigation, they will see section "My Meals" where they have a list of all their saved meals. From there they can also track that meal to today or another day with one click.

    Please note that client cannot…

  2. Sync Myfitnesspal app to Trainerize app

    Hi, I noticed everyone's else's post on this idea (sort of). I would like to just ask and promote that we have an integration or system add-on synced with myfitnesspal nutrition at the minimum as everything else can be tracked through Trainerize. Thank you.

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  3. Separate custom meals from Trainerize meals

    The new nutrition updates have been extremely helpful, particularly the ability to add my own Foods and Meals in the database. Just a small change that could make things much easier for the clients is when they click on the "discover" tab, Instead of seeing all of the Trainerize meals mixed in with my meals, they will only see MY meals, with an option to look at the Trainerize suggestions if they would like to.

    I think the Trainerize meals are GREAT and very helpful, however many of them look a little "daunting" as they call for a lot of…

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. Under business permission you can turn off "show Trainerize meals in meal tracker's discovery tab" and your clients wont be able to see Trainerize system meals under "discovery tab". 

    In case you keep this permission on, your meals have priority in the list and are sorted on the top, while Traienrize's meals are on the bottom. 

    Clients can not chose one or the other as they don't know the difference between system and custom meals. They simply just see the list of the meals. 

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  4. Global setting for business to set meal tracker default

    Ability to default the whole business to meal tracker by default instead of meal photos.

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    Hi everyone,

    Closing out this idea as this can already be done in the app. There are few ways how to switch all your clients to desired meal tracker  - through client grid, or permissions page. On permissions page you can actually change the meal tracker settings for all your clients type so every new client that comes on board will by default have the meal tracker settings you set under clients type. Here are two articles that can be of help:


    We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.


  5. Delete foods/ingredients from meal

    From what I see, there is only the ability to delete an ENTIRE meal, not the individual foods and/or ingredients that comprise the meal.

    If something is logged on accident, or maybe "planned" to be eaten later in the day (since I try to get my clients to pre-log and pre-plan their meals), and then needs to be removed, you have to delete the ENTIRE meal... and then re-log everything else that was included in it.

    Need the ability to delete (or move) individual foods.

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  6. To allow clients to upload photos of what they eat WITHOUT having calories or macros attached to it. (Eating disorder trigger)

    I love the idea of having clients be able to take pictures of what they eat but I do not like that there needs to be a calorie amount attached to it. I have clients who have a history of eating disorders who find calorie counting to be a trigger. I would like there to be an option to use the meal tracker like a food journal for these clients so they can take a picture of what they eat and comment how it made them feel & rate it on a hunger fullness scale instead of calories. I also…

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  7. Allow meal app to allow clients to add food to a date in the future.

    I'd like clients to be able to add meal data to a date in the future. This allows them to plan ahead.

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