Client / Gym Members - ABC Trainerize
44 results found
4 votes
When doing on-demand video workouts, you can tap the airplay icon to cast it to your Apple TV.
Please let us know how this is working for you, or if you want to cast any other workout format onto the TV. Thanks.
To see calories burned in the dashboard.
To see calories burned in the dashboard.
17 votesHi all,
Closing out this idea as you can already do this in the app. Simply click on the settings icon on the dashboard and you can show your Caloric Burn widget.
The vote has been returned to you. Please come back and vote on more ideas. Thanks!
Access my video workouts on web
Ability to watch my workout videos and follow along like on the mobile app.
2 votesHi,
Thanks for voting for this.
As clients, you can sign into the web app to watch your video workouts on the web.Thanks.
Autofill the sets and weights just like TrainHeroic
I liked the autofill feature when recording the sets and weights done in the training.
6 votesHi Everyone,
Thanks for submitting your ideas, this was actually covered by a duplicate idea that we have recently completed.
Clients can now quickly auto-fill previous exercise stats, saving time and simplifying progress tracking. Just toggle the auto-fill option at the start of the workout and get moving faster! Learn more.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Workout videos
I wish the workout videos were not just a “how-to” video, but they actually talked you through the entire sets. Motivated you to keep going and being able to watch them do it with you.
45 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
Your trainer can now host an entire full length video workout within the app that you can stream the workout and follow along. You can also cast it onto your TV. You can request your trainer to start using the on-demand video workout feature.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Add a cycling option
Allow for outdoor cycling to register with app similar to the Apple Watch . So that all exercises can be counted .
4 votesHi,
Thanks for voting for this idea.
This can already be done as you can select Add cardio and track an outdoor ride.
If you have more details of what you mean by this ticket, feel free to email back. Thanks.
Add more options to log exercises
I frequently practice yoga and prefer swimming as my main form of cardio (when gyms are open), it’s be nice to log that on days I’m not lifting.
56 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as “can already be done”!
We added yoga and swimming to the app.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Cut video ad intro
I’m tired of watching an advertisement for people’s workout channels and Facebook pages almost ever time I want to watch a workout demo. It’s redundant and a waste of time.
1 voteTo fix this, please ask your trainer to host their workout videos directly in the app rather than on YouTube.
Your trainer can now host an entire full length video workout within the app.
Have a video to follow along with for the workouts.
Increase motivation by actually watching your trainer workout with you .
5 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this
idea as completed!Your trainer can currently do this now by shooting some video workouts and add it to the app so you can stream and follow along with your trainer.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Airplay to my Apple TV
Have the ability to send it over airplay so I can watch it on a bigger screen
6 votesHi,
This can already be done for video workouts. You hit the cast button and you can cast it onto your TV.
If there are any other workout types you want to cast onto your TV, please let us know.
Sync with steps from iPhone
Sync with steps from iPhone for those that don’t have a fitbit
79 votesHi all,
Closing out this idea as you can already do this in the app by connecting Apple Health in the more section in the app.
The vote has been returned to you. Please come back and vote on more ideas. Thanks!
5 votes
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for submitting your ideas, this was actually covered by a duplicate idea that we have recently completed.
Clients can now quickly auto-fill previous exercise stats, saving time and simplifying progress tracking. Just toggle the auto-fill option at the start of the workout and get moving faster! Learn more.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Add an interval timer feature
an interval timer where you can set a time for work and a time for rest. I.e. 30 seconds on 30 seconds off. And can set the amount of reps. Say 15 reps of 30/30 for box jumps or what ever exercise you're doing.
12 votesThis can already be done. Your trainer needs to build it as an interval-type workout. You need to speak to your trainer.
Side by Side comparison
Be able to see and compare start photos and starting measurement, weight goals to current. Side by side of where you were and have come too. My fitness pal has something similar to this but to see it in the app would be great
18 votesThis can already be done. Simply tilt the app into landscape mode.
Timer change
Having the rest between sets and between exercises so you could run whole exercise or workout on timer to maintain to right time which can be paused if waiting for equipment
13 votesThis seems like a programming issue. The app can take timed sets and program rests between sets.
Please contact your trainer to add more rests between your exercises.
I wish the time gave 10-15 seconds to switch between exercises
When checking into the workout, adding 10 seconds on the timer, to switch between exercises.
20 votesThis seems like an issue with your trainer’s programming. They can build workouts with a rest timer between exercises.
Please float this up to your trainer so they can give you a rest block between exercises.
4 votes
Trainers can upload a complete workout video to follow along. Please suggest to your trainer that they use this feature.
Allow tracking inches versus weight loss.
Because my goal is more about getting toned than losing weight, my weight won't fluctuate much. My trainer and I use inches lost as a way of tracking my progress, which is much more effective than pounds.
42 votesHi all,
Closing out this idea as you can already do this in the app as you can track body measurements in the app.
The vote has been returned to you. Please come back and vote on more ideas. Thanks!
add push notifications and new message icon on closed app
I would like to know when there is a new message waiting for me or get a workout reminder via the app, not just by email or by opening the app. I suggest you add a push notification and an emblem on the app that shows when you have a new message or workout scheduled..
30 votesHi,
Currently the app will send you a push notification when you have a new message or workout reminder.
If it is not coming through, please make sure you try this troubleshooting guide: -
Log workouts from previous days
I would like to be able to log workouts from the previous day. Sometime I'll forget to log my stats (weight, reps, etc) until the next day, but I can't log the workouts unless I move them to "today"
33 votesHi,
You can already do this by:
- Going to your calendar and tapping on the day. That allows you to add something to the day.
- Tapping + then changing today to yesterday.
- Don't see your idea?