Adding this suggestion is what i came to suggest, but I see you guys are way ahead of me. I've found myself needing a reminder as to whether I was able to complete the number of reps with said weight with proper form or if it was heavy enough to cause me struggle. I've added weight to an exercise the next go around that really needed to remain the same and focus on form. Notes would be a well rounded option for multi purpose, but I could suffice with a color tab option on each exercise to show GREEN as "completed easily" cleared to add weight next time and YELLOW for "struggled but completed" use caution in adding weight.
Adding this suggestion is what i came to suggest, but I see you guys are way ahead of me. I've found myself needing a reminder as to whether I was able to complete the number of reps with said weight with proper form or if it was heavy enough to cause me struggle. I've added weight to an exercise the next go around that really needed to remain the same and focus on form. Notes would be a well rounded option for multi purpose, but I could suffice with a color tab option on each exercise to show GREEN as "completed easily" cleared to add weight next time and YELLOW for "struggled but completed" use caution in adding weight.